Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic : On this Day... 1887

Titanic events from today in history

The following 118 people were born

CHEMIL, Mr Matteo — 0th 1887
MCILROY, Mr Robert David — 2nd October 1887
MCILWAINE, Mr James — 0th 1887
MORRELL, Mr James — 21st October 1887
SIROLA, Mr Nicola — 0th 1887
SMITH, Mr Joseph — 0th 1887
STEWART, Mr Matthew — 0th 1887
TAGGART, Mr William — 9th October 1887
THOMAS, Mr John — 0th 1887
TURNER, Mr Harry — 0th 1887
WARD, Mr William John — 9th April 1887
WILLNER, Mr Simon — 0th 1887
ALEXANDER, Mr William Albert — 6th September 1887
ALI, Mr William — 0th 1887
ARNOLD-FRANCHI, Mr Josef — 24th March 1887
ARONSSON, Mr Ernst Axel Algot — 21st January 1887
BANFI, Mr Ugo — 9th December 1887
BAXTER, Mr Quigg Edmond — 13th July 1887
BIRNBAUM, Mr Jakob — 24th August 1887
BOUGHTON, Mr Bernard John — 7th October 1887
BRAILEY, Mr William Theodore Ronald — 25th October 1887
BROOKS, Mr J. — 0th 1887
BRYHL, Mr Kurt Arnold Gottfrid — 2nd March 1887
CHERRETT, Mr William Victor — 28th May 1887
CHORLEY, Mr John Henry — 13th April 1887
COLBERT, Mr Patrick — 5th November 1887
CONWAY, Mr Percy Walter — 1st April 1887
DELALIĆ, Mr Redžo — 0th 1887
DYER, Mr Henry Ryland — 21st December 1887
FLETCHER, Mr Percy William — 3rd February 1887
GILES, Mr Ralph — 9th September 1887
GOSLING, Mr Frank Henry — 7th January 1887
GROSCLAUDE, Mr Gérald — 7th October 1887
GUMERY, Mr George — 20th December 1887
HICKMAN, Mr Leonard Mark — 18th September 1887
HILL, Mr James — 0th 1887
HISCOCK, Mr Sydney George — 0th 1887
ILMAKANGAS, Miss Pieta Sofia — 4th March 1887
JENSEN, Mr Charles Valdemar — 27th December 1887
JOUANNAULT, Mr Georges Jules — 1st August 1887
KHALIL, Mr Betros — 0th 1887
LEYSON, Mr Robert William Norman — 31st March 1887
LIEVENS, Mr René Aimé — 22nd October 1887
LIVSHIN, Mr David — 0th 1887
MARDIROSIAN, Mr Sarkis — 0th 1887
MASKELL, Mr Leopold Adolphus — 0th 1887
MIDDLETON, Mr Mark Victor — 12th November 1887
MOODY, Mr James Paul — 21st August 1887
MOYES, Mr William Young — 18th June 1887
PEARCE, Mr Alfred Ernest — 5th September 1887
PEDUZZI, Mr Joseph — 18th December 1887
PEÑASCO Y CASTELLANA, Mr Victor — 24th October 1887
PETERSEN, Mr Marius — 19th July 1887
PETTY, Mr Edwin Henry — 11th January 1887
PHILLIPS, Mr John George — 11th April 1887
RUDD, Mr Henry — 25th December 1887
SACCAGGI, Mr Giovanni Giuseppe Emilio — 8th September 1887
SALANDER, Mr Karl Johan — 25th July 1887
SEDUNARY, Mr Samuel Francis — 25th February 1887
SIMMONS, Mr Frederick Charles — 16th May 1887
SMITH, Mr James William — 16th December 1887
SMITH, Mr Lucian Philip — 14th August 1887
STOKES, Mr Philip Joseph — 12th October 1887
SVENSSON, Mr Olof — 11th May 1887
THOMPSON, Mr Herbert Henry — 0th 1887
TOTEVSKI, Mr Hristo Danchev — 0th 1887
WEATHERSTON, Mr Thomas Herbert — 4th May 1887
KENNEDY, Mr John — 6th November 1887
MUBĀRIK, Mrs Amīnah — 0th 1887
MCMATH, Mr Herbert — 13th April 1887
MAYZES, Mr Thomas Jubilee — 23rd February 1887
CHRISTY, Miss Juli Rachel — 27th January 1887
PRIEST, Mr Arthur John — 31st August 1887
HOLMAN, Mr Percival Thomas — 14th May 1887
CHAPIN, Mr Howard Millar — 11th May 1887
COLLETT, Mr Sidney Clarence Stuart — 8th January 1887
BARNISH, Mr Geoffrey Howard — 13th January 1887
REES, Mr Eric — 5th February 1887
MATHERS, Mr John — 2nd May 1887
MCCOY, Mr Bernard — 24th November 1887
HERMAN, Miss Alice — 6th December 1887
THOMAS, Mr Richard Gee — 25th December 1887
ROGERS, Mr Francis — 16th May 1887
HALE, Mr John — 4th June 1887
MCCARTHY, Miss Catherine — 25th September 1887
DUQUEMIN, Mr Joseph Pierre — 24th November 1887
KANTOR, Mrs Miriam — 10th August 1887
DOBSON, Mr Robert — 24th February 1887
DROPKIN, Miss Jennie — 20th June 1887
PEARCEY, Mr Albert Victor — 23rd January 1887
ZAMMUTO, Mr Franceso — 22nd January 1887
SHELLEY, Mrs Imanita Parrish — 2nd July 1887
HAYS, Miss Margaret Bechstein — 6th December 1887
MURPHY, Miss Margaret — 17th March 1887
HANLEY, Mr William — 23rd December 1887
BISHOP, Mr Dickinson H. — 24th March 1887
FORTUNE, Miss Alice Elizabeth — 10th May 1887
MAYNÉ, Mlle Berthe Antonine — 21st July 1887
SEWARD, Mr Wilfred Deable — 5th March 1887
REGAN, Mr Michael — 2nd August 1887
STREET, Mr Thomas Albert — 2nd February 1887
EVANS, Mr Alfred Frank — 3rd February 1887
SÄGESSER, Mlle Emma — 16th August 1887
AUBART, Mme. Léontine Pauline — 20th May 1887
FLEET, Mr Frederick — 15th October 1887
SLADE, Mr Alfred Edward — 13th April 1887
BENSON, Mr William — 13th February 1887
PODESTA, Mr Alfred John Alexander — 14th September 1887
ACKERLEY, Mr Samuel — 6th September 1887
DEL CARLO, Mrs Argene — 6th November 1887
MAUGÉ, Mr Paul Achille Maurice Germain — 22nd March 1887
JESSOP, Miss Violet Constance — 1st October 1887
RICHARDS, Mrs Emily — 22nd April 1887
BARKER, Mr James William — 26th May 1887
TENGLIN, Mr Gunnar Isidor — 2nd March 1887
MALLET, Mrs Antonine Marie — 16th December 1887
HERMAN, Miss Kate — 6th December 1887
SANDSTRÖM, Mrs Agnes Charlotta — 8th November 1887

The following item was published

Portsmouth Times & Naval Gazette (1887) PAINFULLY SUDDEN DEATH AT LANDPORT — 21st March 1887