Encyclopedia Titanica

George Rosenshine

Mr George Rosenshine was born in Germany 21 December 1866.

He was the son of Jewish parents, Albert Rosenshine (b. 1838) and Dora Landauer (b. 1835). George, his mother and sister had emigrated from Germany, departing from Hamburg aboard the Teutonia as third class passengers and arriving in New York on 11 October 1866. Settling in New York and being reunited with his father. George's parents went on to have three more children. His siblings were: Betsey (1863-1939, later Mrs Max Frank), Albert (1868-1946), Max (1869-1925) and Harry (1870-1874).

His father died in 1873 and the remaining family appeared on the 1880 census still living in Manhattan. He and his brothers Albert and Max later founded Rosenhine Bros., an import company specialising in ostrich feathers, and are listed as such on the 1900 census, then living in Boston, Massachusetts, but would be back in Manhattan by the time of the 1910 census. His mother passed away on 24 April 1911.

He boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg under the assumed name of George Thorne because his travelling companion was his mistress Maybelle Thorne. The couple were returning from a business trip and holiday and held first class ticket number PC 17585 which cost £79, 4s.

Maybelle was saved in Collapsible D, but George perished and his body was later recovered by the MacKay Bennett.

NO. 16. - MALE. - ESTIMATED AGE, 50.

CLOTHING - Dark grey overcoat; black suit; black gloves; underclothing; marked " G. R".

EFFECTS - Gold watch; memo book; bunch of keys; letter of credit; Guaranty Trust Company, New York, No. 9899; notes in pocket book; $430; U. S. A. Bond in memo book; affidavit of personal prop. For Mrs G. M. Thorne, N. Y.; letter of indication for above.



57 & 59 East Eleventh St., N. Y.

The body was claimed by his brother and forwarded to New York where he was buried in the family plot alongside his parents and siblings in Bayside Cemetery, Queens, New York. The cemetery and the Rosenshine plot has fallen into serious disrepair owing, because of its geographic location, to considerable crime.

© Michael A. Findlay, USA

His estate was valued at over $160,000 and was administered to his brother Albert and the children of his married sister Betsey. He also left contributions to Mount Sinai Hospital, the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum and the Montefiore Home. This will was later contested however by his brother Max and his sister, they claiming that undue influence was exerted over the testator and that the will, which was probated May 14, was not his last.

George's last surviving sibling, Albert, died on 17 March 1946, his sister Betsy on 10 June 1939 and Max on 25 February 1925.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Record of Bodies and Effects: Passengers and Crew, S.S. Titanic (Public Archives of Nova Scotia)

Newspaper Articles

New York Times (7 November 1893) Firemen Overcome By Smoke
New York Times (18 October 1911) Chimney Burglars Rob Feather Store
New York Times (21 April 1912) Prayer Service Notice For George Rosenshine
New York Times (21 April 1912) Tribute To Straus Paid In Synagogues
New York Times (4 May 1912) Death Notice Of George Rosenshine
New York Times (15 May 1912) Proving Foreman On Titanic
New York Times (15 May 1912) Wills For Probate (2)
New York Times (23 May 1912) Fight Titanic Victim's Will
New York Times (21 June 1912) Rosenshine Will Holds
New York Times (11 May 1913) Rosenshine Left $161,033
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  1. Jeffrey M. Kern

    The only real thing that I know is that she was mistress to Mr George S Rosenshine, and that she was travelling with him around the world practically, making the final leg of their journey to New York on board the Titanic. She survived in Collapsible D, and there is a passenger on the Carpathia, a Mrs Campbell, who had spoke to her and Mrs Harris, and there is an account I have in an old 1912 newspaper which I would be most happy to donate. Otherwise, is there anything more historians have learned of, in one expert's opinion, the most unknown of Titanic's passengers? (Agewise, I would believe she would be in her forties or late thirties.)
  2. Daniel Rosenshine

    Daniel Rosenshine

    Hi Actually Mrs Thorne was not Mr Rosenshine's mistress. A mistress is a lover of a married man. Mr Rosenshine was not married, therefore Mrs Thorne was more like his girlfriend. On the Carpathia she signed on her age as 38, but considering the many "age" inaccuracies on that list, Mrs Thorne might not have been 38. She was definetely not a young woman, but not older than Mr Rosenshine (45). It's quite possible she was 38, but we can not entirely trust it. After she landed in New York, she simply disappeared. The Rosenshine family were unable to track her down and nothing was known of her ever since. Daniel.
  3. Jeffrey M. Kern

    Thank you for the clearup (are you related to George Rosenshine?). I had only heard of Mrs Thorne as the 'mistress', but then again, she was Mrs Thorne, was she not? I will give the newspaper article to Mr Hind, and hopefully he can post it up on her biography when he gets the time. Thank you once again!
  4. Céline Pinet

    Céline Pinet

    My great-aunt (my paternal grand-mother's sister)is supposed to have been aboard the Titanic as mistress of a business man. Her name was Joséphine Cormier. She was 29 at the time and lived in Duluth Minn where she probably worked for her brother who owned a clothing store. Could the Rosenshine Bros have been a supplier at the store? She would have been one of the rescued passengers. Apparently the incident caused quite a scandal in her strong catholic family. Some of her sibblings even refused to speak to her when she visited her hometown of Caraquet NB. She married a Mr. Howard. They settled in Duluth Minn. Could she have been Gertrude Maybelle Thorne?
  5. Michael H. Standart

    Nope. Check out the bio on the passangers list on this site. Gertrude Maybelle Thorne was her real name, but the assumed name she used was George Thorne. Meaning no disrespect to your family, but you may want to research this one a little more...try to find some substantiating documentation...befor you accept the family lore. Bogus Titanic passangers/survivors/casualties are legion. Cordially, Michael H. Standart
  6. Daniel Klistorner

    I think I have seen it posted somewhere on this board that Maybelle Thorne may not have been her real name, and thus the difficulty tracking this person down. Then again she was an older woman, certainly not 29, she was about 40 (or in fact 38 as on the Carpathia list). Daniel.
  7. Charles Provost

    I'm afraid there is nothing to support she was more than 29 year old...
  8. Daniel Klistorner

    Yes there is, the only age known for her (whether correct or not) is 38. That's already something.
  9. Charles Provost

    Well, that's what I meant. I meant there is no source other than this one. But I do agree that even if there is an error on her age, it at least gives us a good indication.
  10. Céline Pinet

    Céline Pinet

    Very little seems to be known about 1st class passenger Gertrude Maybelle Thorne, mistress of George Rosenshine. Could she have also been using an assumed name?
  11. Brian J. Ticehurst

    Céline, As far as I know Mrs. Thorne was not using an assumed name - buried in the family plot etc. Here is what I have on her - not much I am afraid: THORNE, MRS. GERTRUDE (Maybelle. Saved in Lifeboat number D. Marconigram dated 18th April 1912 to: Mr. J. Rosenshine, 1 W. 92nd Street, New York City. ''Am safe - Pray God George was rescued by another boat with rest of men. Arrive Carpathia. Mabelle Thorne.'' Marconigram sent 18th April 1912 to: Mrs. J. Costigan, 72nd & Riverside, The Chalsworth, New York City. ''Am safe. Arrive on Cunard Carpathia. Gertrude.'' George Rosenshine. He was a First Class passenger registered on the ships passenger list under the assumed name of Mr. George Thorne, travelling with his mistress, Mrs. Gertrude Thorne, a survivor. Mrs. Thorne is buried in the family plot at Bayside Cemetery, Congregation Shaare Zedek, Queens, Long Island, New York. Best regards Brian
  12. Lindsay R

    Lindsay R

    Hello, I'm trying to track down photos of either of these passengers. George actually traveled under the name "Thorne". He owned a company called "Rosenshine Bros." which sold imported Ostrich feathers. Maybelle was married... to someone else. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks
  13. carol young

    I am trying to find daniel rosenshine. Are you a relative of george rosenshine? If so I have some very important information to share with you.}
  14. carol young

    I believe I am george rosenshines great grandaughter... very interesting story. He had no known chilren.
  15. Gianni Yrois

    maybe he had children with Gertrude Maybelle Thorne or a other women. Is there now any more information what became of Miss Thorne (when this was her reall name?) or are there any photos?any mentions on them aboard the ship? best regards

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr George Rosenshine (George Thorne)
Age: 45 years 3 months and 25 days (Male)
Nationality: German
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Merchant
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 17585, £79 4d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body recovered by: Mackay-Bennett (No. 16)
Buried: Bayside Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, United States

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