Encyclopedia Titanica

Arthur Ernest Nicholson

First Class Passenger

Arthur Ernest Nicholson
Arthur Ernest Nicholson

Mr Arthur Ernest Nicholson was born at Balham Hill, Streatham, Surrey, England on 9 October 1852.

He was the son of Charles Nicholson (1822-1880) and Mary Ring (1821-1895). His father worked as a warehouseman, later a coal merchant, and was a native of Essex whilst his mother hailed from Dorset. They married on 12 September 1844 in Paddington, London.  He had several known siblings: Anne Maria (1846-1847), Emily Mary (1846-1917), Charles William (b. 1849), Alice Irena (1851-1938), Duncan Ring (b. 1854), Frederick George (b. 1858) and possibly Frank G (b.1861)1.

He first appears on the 1861 census living at Oaklands on Grove Road, Streatham, Surrey. The family later moved to Brighton and they appeared there on the 1871 census, an 18-year-old Arthur then described as a clerk for a tea merchant.

Arthur was married in Yorkshire on 9 October 1880 (his 28th birthday) to Kate Kilvington Hattersley (b. 1857), a native of Leeds. The couple would remain childless but a sad notice appeared in a Yorkshire newspaper in 1882:

NICHOLSON.— On the 8th inst., at Harrogate, the wife of Arthur E. Nicholson, of a son, stillborn.

They appear on the 1881 census living at 13 Hyde Park Terrace, Bilton, Harrogate, Yorkshire and Arthur was described as a wholesale tea dealer; also living with the couple was Arthur's widowed mother Mary who would later die in Twickenham, London on 29 March 1895, then a resident of Crown Road.

Arthur was prominent in the tea trade.  He was an agent of the Tea Growers Association and first came to America in around 1881.  He was instrumental in introducing Ceylon and Indian teas to the United States, representing the firms of Balmer, Lawrie & Co., Ltd., Calcutta, and Alexander Lawrie & Co., Ltd., London.  Although based in England, he maintained an office at 128 Front Street in Manhattan for over 30 years.  In 1904 he attended the World's Fair where there was a special display of teas and other products from around the British Empire.

Arthur Nicholson at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904

Arthur and his wife settled in London but would spend winters in their home on the Isle of Wight at Claremont on Steep Hill Road, Shanklin.

In May 1909 Kate and Arthur were listed together on a passenger list for the White Star Line's Teutonic, arriving in Southampton from New York.  

Kate appears on the 1911 census with two servants, but Arthur is absent, perhaps abroad for business. 

Possibly his last Atlantic trip before Titanic was aboard the Majestic arriving in New York on 5 October 1911. He gave his address as the New York Club. 

Nicholson reportedly made an annual business trip to the USA, but on this occasion, various other reasons have been suggested for his journey.  One reason was that he was coming to assist his elderly sister2 financially and to make necessary arrangements for her care in her advancing years.  It has also been suggested that he was coming on account of his own fragile health and that he wished to take a particular Turkish bath cure while in New York.

Arthur Nicholson boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first-class passenger (ticket number 693 which cost £26).

There is no information on Nicholson's activities aboard the Titanic, and he does not seem to appear in any extant survivor accounts.   It seems likely, that he would have known Richard William Smith, another British tea dealer, who was also aboard.3

Arthur Nicholson died in the sinking and his body was later recovered by the MacKay Bennett.


CLOTHING - Light tweed suit; brown waistcoat.

EFFECTS - Pearl scarf pin; "N" on book; gold watch and chain; gold pencil case; horseshoe cut diamond pin; glasses; gold cuff links; 3 gold studs; £9 in gold in pocketbook.


NAME - A. S. E. NICHOLSON, Clermont Claremont [Shanklin I.W.].

His sister requested that the remains be shipped to New York. This was done under the care of F. E. Campbell (214 West 23rd St.) on 6 May 1912. Rather than return the body to England, she buried her brother at the Woodlawn Cemetery in Bronx, New York. Coincidentally, Arthur Nicholson was buried within a few feet of Charles Henry Chapman, another Titanic passenger whose body was also recovered. Nicholson and Chapman are among four known Titanic victims buried at Woodlawn Cemetery. The others were Alexander Holverson and Isidor Straus. A large stone was erected over Nicholson's grave, but there was no mention of the Titanic disaster.

A letter from his wife dated 11 July acknowledged receipt of the effects.

Arthur Nicholson's grave at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York
(Courtesy of Michael A. Findlay, USA)

It was reported in The Sun (New York), 25 April 1912 that Arthur had an insurance policy with The Preferred Accident Insurance Company, New York, who claimed that his account and that of a fellow passenger Emil Taussig whose life was also insured with them, would cost them $30,000.4

At probate, his estate, valued at £447, 6d, was administered to his widow Kate on 11 September 1912. Kate never remarried and continued living on the Isle of Wight. When she died on 22 April 1944, aged 86, her last address was listed as the Yelfs Hotel, Union Street, Ryde.  She was cremated on 29 April 1944 at Southampton Crematorium, Hampshire, England and her ashes were scattered in the garden of remembrance.  


  1. Frank G. is shown as a 2-month-old son in the 1861 census. No birth registration can be found, and it is possible he wasn't registered and died as a baby, but this is unknown.
  2. Arthur's sisters, Emily and Alice, both settled in America. It was noted in various newspaper reports that Arthur would visit Alice on his regular business trips to America.  Emily, however, is not mentioned.  Alice was married to a successful artist (Alfred Joseph Ripley, 1856-1938) while Emily was separated or divorced.  According to the 1900 census she was widowed, but it appears that her husband was still alive and had remarried a lady named Catherine. Judging by the size of Emily's estate when she died in 1917 (just $400), it seems likely that if one of Arthur's intentions for his trip was to offer financial support to a sister, then it would have been Emily.  A sister did receive help from various relief agencies that were established following the disaster.  If she was financially dependent upon her brother, then his death more than likely left her in needy circumstances.   Their sister Alice Irena Ripley passed away, in Long Branch, New Jersey on 27 October 1938, and was buried alongside Emily.
  3. Richard William Smith's firm of Reinachs Nephew & Co., and Nicholson's, both maintained their U.S. offices on Front Street, New York.
  4. A pencilled annotation on the notes relating to the recovery of his body reads: "In case of accidental death or injury notify The Standard Life and Accident Ins., Co. Detroit, Mich". The note also mentions the firm of Alex Lawrie & Co. 14 St Mary's Ave., London, whom Nicholson represented.

References and Sources

Hampshire Advertiser, 20 April 1912
The Sun (New York), 25 April 1912, Titanic Loss 12 Millions
William H. Ukers (1935) All about tea, The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Company, New York
Nova Scotia Archives (Annotated description of body and effects, business card and letter.

Newspaper Articles

Evening Times (19 April 1912) Pawtucket Visitor Among The Victims
Long Branch Daily Record (New Jersey) (20 April 1912) Brother Of Long Branch Resident A Wreck Victim
Shore Press (21 April 1912) She Loses Brother In Titanic Wreck
New York Times (2 May 1912) Arthur Nicholson (death Notice)

Documents and Certificates

1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911 Census (England)
(1912) Contract Ticket List, White Star Line (Southampton, Queenstown), National Archives, London; BT27/776,780
(1912) Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers and Seamen at Sea, National Archives, London; BT334/52 & 334/53


Craig Stringer (2003) Titanic People (CDROM)
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Arthur Nicholson at the St Louis World's Fair in 1904 Arthur Ernest Nicholson Birth Certificate

Comment and discuss

  1. Chris Nicholson

    Chris Nicholson

    I need info on a paasenger named A.S. Nicholson. All I know are his ititals, and that he didn't survive. I think he embarked at southamton though. Oh and he was a first class. I need some info about him like full name, cabin number, purpose of travel, and any other piece of info that anyone can find. Any help will be greatley apreciated.
  2. Mike Herbold

    Chris: Though the initials show as A.S. on the Halifax records, his name was actually Arthur Ernest.
  3. Craig Stringer

    Chris, I have some information that may be of use. Arthur Ernest Nicholson had been born in Batham, Surrey, and was 59 years old in April 1912. He was the son of Mary Nicholson, and was married to Kate Kilvington. In 1881 Arthur was living at 13, Hyde Park Terrace, Bilton Cum Harrogate, Yorkshire, where he was a wholesale tea merchant. He later moved to London, and then in 1905, settled with Kate in Shanklin on the Isle of Wight, living first at Osborne Villa, and later at Clairmont. In his business as a tea importer he made frequent trips to America, usually staying in New York. Arthur was 6’1” tall, with grey hair and blue-grey eyes. Mr Nicholson boarded the Titanic at Southampton on April 10th. He was travelling to America, not on business, but to visit with his sister at 1, Greenwood Avenue, Brooklyn, and to take a Turkish Bath cure, in the hope that it would restore his health, which had been poor for some time, and in 1909 had necessitated the hiring of a private nurse.... Read full post
  4. Daniel Klistorner

    Craig, Excellent info, I certainly ejoyed reading it. While we are both here, I seem to have misplaced your e-mail address, so forgive me for writing to you for so long. A great big thank you for those items you sent me some time back. Sorry I didn't get to thank you earlier. Regards, Daniel.
  5. Chris Nicholson

    Chris Nicholson

    Thanx for all the help!
  6. Chris Nicholson

    Chris Nicholson

    Hi thanx for the info all those months ago. I just need one more piece of info. Can you connect Arthur Earnest Nicholson to a John Nicholson that was born in 1799, came to Canada with his wife from England, and died in 1901.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Arthur Ernest Nicholson
Age: 58 years 6 months and 6 days (Male)
Physical Features:
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Married to Kate Kilvington Hattersley
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 693, £26
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body recovered by: Mackay-Bennett (No. 263)
Buried: Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York, United States

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