Encyclopedia Titanica

Henry James Beauchamp

Mr Henry James Beauchamp 1 was born in Bishopstoke, Hampshire, England on 11 November 1868 and he was baptised on 28 February the following year.

He was the son of Dan Beauchamp (b. 1847) and Mary Ware (b. 1842). His father, a railway porter, was a native of Wiltshire whilst his mother hailed from Hampshire. The two were unmarried when Henry was born and they later wed in early 1869. They had a further three children that are known of: Julia Elizabeth (b. 1871), Robert John (b. 1873) and Frederick Charles (b. 1876).

The family appear on the 1871 census living at an unspecified address in West Dean, Wiltshire and would later move to London in the late 1870s, appearing on the 1881 census living at 5 Milton Street, Clapham where his father now worked as a brakeman on the railways, and 3 Howard Street on the 1891 census. Henry had left home by the time of the latter record and was working as a coffee waiter at the Union Club, Trafalgar Square.

Henry was married in Pocklington, East Yorkshire on 13 August 1899 to Harriet Neta Dales (b. 1874) who hailed from Aberford near Leeds. The couple settled in London and had two sons: William Dales (1900-1991) and David Awlyn Savorey (1908-1993). The family appear on the 1901 census living at 38 Grantham Road, Lambeth and on the 1911 census at 39 Lansdowne Road, Clapham. Henry worked as a head steward in a London club.

Henry boarded the Titanic at Southampton on 10 April 1912 as a second class passenger together with Percival Sharp (joint ticket number 244358 which cost £26). Their reason for travelling and exact destination is unknown.

Mr Beauchamp died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, never was identified but it has been suggested that his body was the 194th recovered by the Mackay-Bennett:


CLOTHING - Grey overcoat; artex singlet; night shirt; dress trousers.

EFFECTS - A gold ring, marked "H.B."; knife; £1; 18 francs; keys.

The body was buried at sea.

His widow Harriet was never remarried and later moved to Crosby near Liverpool. She died in 1954 aged 80.


  1. Birth registered as Henry James Beauchamp Ware. Also baptised under this name.

References and Sources

Marriages, births, deaths and injuries that have occurred on board during the voyage (PRO London, BT 100/259-260)
Record of Bodies and Effects: Passengers and Crew, S.S. Titanic (Public Archives of Nova Scotia) (#194)
List of Bodies Unidentified and Disposition of Same (#194)
Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
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  1. Julie Beauchamp

    Very Interesting! I have much interest on this subject as my great grandfather perished on this piece of history. I have been intrigued to find out further information and checked out the passenger list. There is a Beauchamp listed, however, the wrong name and age! Although there was much research done on your webpage ~ and excellent stuff too ~ some information is missing which no doubt ties in with all of the confusion of this disaster. I have proof my great-grandfather perished on this ship by means of a postcard from the titanic itself, sympathy cards and most of all a letter from a US Citizen claiming to have been one of the last people to see my grandfather! I am interested to find other web pages that you think would be informative? Good job! Julie Beauchamp Toronto, Canada
  2. cyndi beauchamp

    cyndi beauchamp

    2nd class passenger henry james beauchamp, why is there nothing on him? cyndi beauchamp nashville, tn
  3. Terry Beauchamp

    Terry Beauchamp

    first i'd like to thank you for such a well layed out and extremely informative site. My family and i have spent hours looking threw all the sections of this site and many more discussing all the people and their backgrounds that you've displayed. I would also like to find out more about Henry Beauchamp(second class) if you have any information on this man whatsoever I'd be very gratefull if you could forward it to me! thanks once again for doing a tasteful and informative site We'll be checking back often for any changes! Keep up the good work! Terry Beauchamp London Canada
  4. steve maynard

    I Have just purchased an "ON BOARD TITANIC" letter from Mr Henry Beauchamp, Does anyone have any further info on this 2nd Class passenger??. I would love to hear from you, Steve
  5. Tennille Morrow

    Tennille Morrow

    I am desperately searching for information on Henry James Beauchamp, ticket #244358. I believe he was my Great Great Grandfather, but have been unsuccessful with my online ancestory searches. I have learned from Encyclopedia Titanica that he was a 2nd class passenger, boarded in Southhampton and traveled with a Percival James R Sharp. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Tennille Morrow

    Tennille Morrow

    I am a descendant of his and have been looking for more information. I have very little to go on at this point. I am new to this site, so please forgive my forwardness, but might I see a copy of the letter? Even if its just a small part. I was only born in 1975 and never had the pleasure of knowing him.
  7. Bob Godfrey

    Tennille, if you're having problems finding a Henry James Beauchamp in the public records, bear in mind that passengers didn't necessarily give their names (or their ages) with absolute precision when buying their tickets. The closest possibility from the 1901 Census returns is a Henry Beauchamp aged 18, born in Kingston (South London) and then living in Teddington and working as a grocer's assistant. Slightly out on the age (should be 17) but small errors of that kind were not uncommon in the Census. From a quick look at birth records the closest possibility for the same man is Henry William J Beauchamp, who was born in Kingston (South London) in June 1883 and would have been the right age (28) at the time of the Titanic disaster. If you want to check the full details from the Census (there is a small charge for this service) you MAY get the full name and you will certainly get a street address and the names of others resident at that address. If this particular HB was at... Read full post
  8. Brian Meister

    Hello Bob and All, I too have found the same birth entry for H J Beauchamp but have a problem confirming it as him as Mr Beauchamp's brother apparently posted a memorial notice in 1914 stating H J Beauchamps age as 42 years. Not sure what to make of that situation. Regards
  9. Tennille Morrow

    Tennille Morrow

    > Thank you for the information. I have gained renewed hope since people have responded. It is difficult to obtain information since I have lost touch with some family members, while others have passed on in years.
  10. Bob Godfrey

    Tennille, glad to offer some encouragement. Keep at it - there's great satisfaction to be had if you do make a connection. Brian, are you saying that Beauchamp from the Titanic was 42 when he died? That would certainly make a big difference! I'd been thinking that Henry William J (born Kingston and 28 when the ship went down) might have been calling himself 'Henry James' Beauchamp as an affectation inspired by the popular novelist of that name. I haven't checked the details or full name for the other HB I mentioned, but if I remember rightly he's the only one in the Census data who comes within 3 years of the right age - if indeed 28 in April 1912 was the right age?
  11. Julie Beauchamp

    After a bit of a hiatus I'm back to researching my ancestors and trying to pull some pieces together. So here goes... Henry James Beauchamp is my Great Grandfather. I see there has been some discrepancy in his age (on most websites its listed as 28) he was in fact 42 years of age. Born in 1870 (although the census captured 1869) in London. He left behind his wife Harriot and two children, William and David and his siblings. His last known occupation (I'm aware of) was a Head Club Superintendant. After his death, my Grt. Grandmother moved back nearer to her home birth place in the North of England until her death at the age of 80. My grandfather (William) didn't speak much about the disaster, probably rather traumatized about the whole thing. He was 12 when his father perished and had to take on the role of "man of the house" at a young age. His brother, David, we lost touch with over the years and I'm in the process of locating relatives as I believe he's since... Read full post
  12. Jason D. Tiller

    Very interesting information, Julie We have a couple of resident experts on the relief fund here, who could assist you; Lester Mitcham and Andrew Williams. Although, there are no relief fund websites that I know of. As far as questions 1 and 3 go, I'm... Read full post
  13. Julie Beauchamp

    Thanks Jason! I'll pursue the options you suggested and keep "digging". BTW - I tried to do a search on Percival Sharp's biography and can't locate it? Am I having a "pea brain" moment?????? Can you provide the link (thank you).
  14. Jason D. Tiller

    You're welcome, Julie. I'm glad to help. Here's the link for Percival Sharp's biography:
  15. Julie Beauchamp

    Hi Brian, re your posting in 2003 re the memorial notice in 1914 posted by Henry's brother. Do you have a copy or a link/source of this information and does it state his brothers name (he had a few). Thanks!

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Henry James Beauchamp
Age: 43 years 5 months and 4 days (Male)
Nationality: English
Marital Status: Married to Harriet Neta Dales
Last Residence: in London, England
Occupation: Club Head Steward
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 244358, £26
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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