Encyclopedia Titanica

Kate Connolly

Miss Kate Connolly was born on Meeting Street in Tipperary, Co Tipperary, Ireland on 25 August 1870.

She was the daughter of John Connolly (b. circa 1840), a cutler, and Catherine Madden (b. circa 1846), a shopkeeper, who had married around 1864. 
One of six children (two of whom were lost in infancy), Kate's siblings were: Mary (b. 9 April 1864), Margaret (b. 23 December 1865), John (b. 24 March 1868), Edward Joseph (b. 18 October 1873) and Richard (b. 3 February 1881).

Her father died at their home at Bank Place, Co Tipperary on 14 September 1892 1 and her mother never remarried.

Kate appears on the 1901 census, listed erroneously as a 24-year-old and residing with her widowed mother, still a shopkeeper, at 4 Main Street, Tipperary town. Listed on the 1911 census at 33 Main Street, Tipperary, Katie was described as a housekeeper whilst her mother was again described as a shopkeeper.

Kate Connolly boarded the Titanic at Queenstown as a third class passenger (ticket number 370373, £7, 15s), her passage having been paid for by a cousin in New York, and whilst aboard she roomed with two other Tipperary girls, Catherine McCarthy and Catherine Peters. She was travelling to Dobbs Ferry, New York, hoping to gain employment to help her impoverished and ageing family in Ireland. Her elder sister Maggie, a music teacher, was stricken with tuberculosis.

On the night of the sinking, Katie McCarthy, the only surviving member of their group, recalled that Tipperary man Roger Tobin called by their cabin and told them to get up and dressed and to bring lifebelts but assured them there was no danger. McCarthy said that only she sensed any urgency and whilst she implored the other two girls to follow her, she ended up leaving alone and never saw the other two Kates again.

Kate Connolly was lost in the sinking. Her body, if recovered, was never identified. The presence of two Irish women named Kate Connolly travelling in third class initially caused confusion; Kate Connolly, from Co Cavan, was saved but an initial mix-up reported the Tipperary Kate to be among the rescued.

Kate's estate, worth £20, was administered to her mother Catherine on 16 December 1912.

Kate's family received £40 from a Relief Committee in England. The American Red Cross offered a sum equivalent to the price of Katie's ticket to her cousin living in America who paid it, who agreed that this money also should be sent to her relatives in Ireland.

Her mother Catherine continued to live at Bank Place, Tipperary but her health declined a short while after. She died on 5 February 1927. 

Her weakly sister Margaret rallied for years to come and continued to work as a music teacher; she died in Bank Place on 9 August 1934.


  1. His cause of death was listed as abdominal sarcoma and intestinal perforation.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Noel Ray (1999) List of Passengers who Boarded RMS Titanic at Queenstown, April 11, 1912 . The Irish Titanic Historical Society
Senan Molony, The Irish Aboard Titanic
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  1. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Does anyone know something about Miss Kate Connolly. She was 3rd class passenger and died in the disaster. I need any informations about her life before Titanic's disaster. Thanks
  2. Bob Godfrey

    There were actually two 3rd Class passengers with the same name of Katherine Connolly, only one of whom survived. The Katherine who died (and was better known as Katie) was from Tipperary. She left behind a widowed mother (also called Katherine), an older sister Margaret, who suffered from tuberculosis and earned a little money from giving music lessons, and two younger brothers - Edward (a knife sharpener) and Richard (a porter). All of the Connollys had reached middle age, but none, it seemed, were earning adequate wages. It's not entirely clear whether Katie was going to America for the first time, or returning after a visit home to Ireland, but in either case her intention was at least partly to earn money to help support her family, who received payments after her death from both the American Red Cross and the British Relief Committee.
  3. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Thanks for informations Bob! How old was she in 1912? 30, 32, 35? How much money received Katie's family?
  4. Bob Godfrey

    As far as I know, Katie was 35 when she died. Her family received £40 from the Relief Committee in England. The American Red Cross offered a sum equivalent to the price of Katie's ticket (about £8) to the person who had paid for it, a cousin living in America, who agreed that this money also should be sent to the family in Ireland. Madga, why are you interested in this passenger? Is there a personal connection?
  5. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Thanks very much, Bob. Maybe Katie Connolly is my friend's relative. She's Grace Connolly. Was Katie born in Ballynarry, Co. Cavan? Did she have a family in Dobbs Ferry, New York? Did her brothers marry?
  6. Bob Godfrey

    Katie's destination was Dobbs Ferry, specifically the home of J Bunbury. Maybe this was the relative (a second cousin) who paid for her ticket. Katie and her family lived at 40, Bank Place, Tipperary Town, County Tipperary, but I am not sure if Katie was born there. The OTHER Katherine Connolly (the one who survived) was born in County Cavan, at Curtrasna. I know nothing more about the brothers. Does Grace have any more information? And where does she live - USA or Ireland?
  7. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Grace lived in New York. Her grandfather said her that his cousin died in Titanc's disaster. Maybe she was Katie Connolly. Do you know: What was Katie's job? Where can I find her photo? What was her father first name? Did other Titanic's passengers say something about Katie after the disaster?
  8. Bob Godfrey

    Sorry, Magda, I don't have anything more. In the passenger list compiled for the Board of Trade there is a column for 'occupation', but Katie is listed simply as 'spinster' (unmarried woman). Many of the Irish girls travelling to New York in 3rd Class were hoping to find work as housemaids, but that's only a guess. Senan Molony's book The Irish Aboard Titanic (the source of most of this information) has no photograph of Katie, which probably means there are none available. On the Titanic she shared a cabin with at least two other Irish girls, Katie Peters and Katie McCarthy. It seems that she knew the other Katies even before the voyage, and that they were travelling as a group from Tipperary along with a young man called Roger Tobin. Katie McCarthy, who survived, later stated that when all three girls were urged by Roger Tobin to go to the boat deck the other two decided to stay behind in the cabin, as they were not convinced there was any danger. Perhaps they were still... Read full post
  9. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Thanks very much, Bob!!!!!!!! Your informations are very interesting!!!!
  10. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Was Katie's body still may be in the Titanic's wreck? Did Titanic's stewards never release any 3rd class passengers? It's terrible!
  11. Bob Godfrey

    After 91 years in the water there is nothing left of the bodies - except sometimes their boots and shoes. A lot 3rd Class passengers died because they didn't know the way to the boat deck, not because they were locked below decks. If 3rd Class passengers had not been allowed to go to the lifeboats, Katie McCarthy would not have survived. Katie Peters and Katie Connolly could have gone with her and probably also would have been saved, but they chose to stay in their cabin and died. Roger Tobin died because he was a man, not because he was 3rd Class. Most of the men in 1st Class also died. Magda, did your friend's family live in Dobbs Ferry? Does she know the name Bunbury? What was her Grandfather's name?
  12. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Sorry for my ignorance. I've seen 3rd class's situation yet. Poor Katie didn't believe that "unsinkable" ship was sinking. My friend's family lived in Dobbs Ferry longtime ago but now she lived in other place. Grace didn't know any Bunbury. Her grandfather name is Brian Connolly. He arrived to New York with her parents probably in 1919 but Grace isn't sure. Do you know what were Katie's birthday month and day? Were the Bunbury family Katie's closely relatives?
  13. Bob Godfrey

    I haven't seen an exact date of birth for Katie. The passenger list prepared for the American Inquiry records that she was 'going to J Bunbury, Dobbs Ferry'. Maybe this was her employer, or maybe a relative - perhaps the second cousin who paid for her ticket. That's all I know right now, but I may have some more information in a few days. Maybe!
  14. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Thanks, Bob! If you find more informations about Katie Connolly please send them to me!
  15. Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Magda Natalia Piotrowska

    Does anyone know when did Katie McCarthy die?????

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Kate Connolly
Age: 41 years 7 months and 21 days (Female)
Nationality: Irish
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Queenstown on Thursday 11th April 1912
Ticket No. 330972, £7 12s 7d
Destination: Dobbs Ferry New York City, New York, United States
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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