Encyclopedia Titanica

Roger Tobin

Roger Tobin

Mr Roger Tobin was born in Lisgibbon, Bansha, Co Tipperary, Ireland on 30 October 1891.

He was the son of Patrick Tobin (b. 1856), a farmer, and Margaret Noonan (b. 1855) a domestic servant, Tipperary natives of Lisgibbon and Stonepark, respectively who had married on 28 February 1887. 

Coming from a Roman Catholic family and one of six children, Roger's siblings were: William (b. 7 February 1888), Patrick (b. 15 April 1889), Mary1(b. 20 June 1890), William (b. 1 April 1893) and David (b. 10 July 1894).

The 1901 census shows Roger and his family living in house 1, Lisgibbon while the 1911 census shows Patrick, still with his family and unmarried, living at the same address but no profession for him was listed although it was later reported that he worked in a men's drapery, Kelly's. He was a prominent Gaelic sports player, involved with hurling and Gaelic football and the family were perhaps committed Irish Nationalists. 

Roger boarded the Titanic at Queenstown as a third class passenger (ticket number 383121 which cost him £7, 15s, possibly in cabin 38 on F-Dec section C), carrying on his person a selection of camans (hurley sticks).

He was travelling to New York with his sweetheart Catherine Peters and aboard was acquainted with two other Tipperary girls, Kate McCarthy and Kate Connolly. He already had cousins in New York and his destination address was 243 East 45th Street, Manhattan, the home address of Katie Peters' sister Mrs John (Mary) Egan.

On the night of the sinking Catherine McCarthy, the only surviving member of their group, recalled that Roger Tobin called by their cabin and told them to get up and dressed and to bring lifebelts but assured them there was no danger. McCarthy said that only she sensed any urgency and whilst she implored the other two girls to follow her, she ended up leaving alone and never saw the other two Kates or Roger again.
Roger Tobin died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

His estate, valued at £39, 6s was administered to his father on 6 December 1912. 

His family remained in Lisgibbon and his father died from pneumonia on 14 March 1921. His mother later died on 3 October 1936 from heart disease. His younger brother William, a bachelor, was later afflicted with Addison's disease and died on 20 April 1935 aged 40. Brother Patrick also remained unmarried and died following a stroke on 4 September 1942. What became of his other siblings remains uncertain.


  1. Mary married farmer Michael Walsh of Cahir, Co Tipperary on 1 February 1927. 

References and Sources

The Nationalist, 24 April 1912, Tipperary Victims
The Tipperary Star, 27 April 1912
Fleadh Cheoil (Bansha), 1998



The Nationalist, (1912) Tipperary Victims
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  1. Steve Lett

    Steve Lett

    Hello everyone I couldn't work out how to start a new thread because i am dumb so i have had to add on to the end of this one. I am interested in Roger Tobin. My grandfather's surname was Tobin, and he came to England when he was 16 from Tipperary. And when i asked my Nan (because my grandfather is dead) did he have any relatives called Roger she didnt know,but she said Tobin was surprisngly uncommon Irish name. So this leads me to the question how do i find out more on this person? and whether or not I am acutally related to him? I know the basic info as in he was 20, was travelling with the women mentioned in this thread and such, but i really need more. Cheers Steve
  2. Inger Sheil

    Hallo Steve - Don't be concerned about being 'dumb' - it can take a while to work your way around a messageboard. I've moved your post to a thread of its own, but for future reference, if you scroll down to the bottom of the pages listing threads for each part of the forum (in this case 'Passengers'), you'll see a link that says 'start new thread.' Click on it, and you'll find it does what it says on the tin. I'm assuming you've already looked at the information for Tobin on the main site. Someone here may be able to assist you further, or you may want to contact the author of The Irish Aboard Titanic, Senan Molony. Usually, if trying to trace a connection to an ancestor, it's better to start with what you know about your own immediate family and work backwards through family memories, birth, death and marriage certificates, obituaries and so on. This can be somewhat difficult in Ireland due to the destruction of certain records, particularly in the Irish War of... Read full post
  3. Steve Lett

    Steve Lett

    ok thanks your help
  4. Karen Tobin

    Karen Tobin

    Re: Did Mr Tobin have any relations in Ireland. My partner's family hail from that part of Ireland but we are unaware of the connection with Mr Roger Tobin.
  5. Lester Mitcham

    Hello Karen, From The Irish Aboard Titanic: Roger was one of 6 children, 5 still living in 1911. - Patrick . - Parents Patrick and Margaret. - The address is given as from: Lisgibbon, Bansha, Co Tipperary.
  6. Suzanne Tobin

    Also interested my surname is Tobin, and my father was called Roger Tobin from Wales, however I have been told that we had family in Southern Ireland, how do I find out if I am related to the titanic Roger Tobin? I live in Northern Ireland.
  7. Angie243

    Hi, suzanne, did you find out any information about Roger Tobin and if you are related to him, I am also interested if I am related too as I am a Tobin.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Roger Tobin
Age: 20 years 5 months and 16 days (Male)
Nationality: Irish
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Embarked: Queenstown on Thursday 11th April 1912
Ticket No. 383121, £7 15s
Cabin No. [F] 38
Destination: 243 East 45th Street New York City, New York, United States
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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