What's next for the wreck?

As we all know, Titanic is decaying more rapidly every day and there might only be 2 or 3 expiditions left to the wreck before she dissapears. Anyone know when RMS Titanic inc. is going back to the wreck or if they have any plans to recover any more large sections. Call me a pirate, but I do believe that everything possible should be recovered so everyone can enjoy the great ship forever. I personally feel that they should bring up a-lot more large sections of the wreck. Since Titanic can never be raised, they can atleast do what is possible for things they can bring up.
RMST has no further plans for expeditions to the wreck. It is in the process of giving up its salvage rights. What happens to the wreck after that is anyone's guess.
Lord only knows what will happen...

I hope the artifacts that are currently up are not sold off to collectors, but go to a private museum. But if other groups go to the Titanic and rtetrieve Titanic artifacts, i suspect the value, or uniqeness, of the RMSTI artifacts will plummet..

I am in favor of the 'tourist dives', in that its a great idea for people to view Titanic in her natural environment, to pay respects, then leave....

Tarn Stephanos
As fragile as the wreck is becoming, bringing up any more sections is probably out of the question. Bringing up the Big Piece was quite a circus in it's own right, very nearly failed, and that was just a small section of plating with the frames attatched.

I wouldn't count on the wreck disappearing in a few more years. This is quite a large mass of steel and it's going to take a long time for nature to do it's work. I suspect however that it'll become progressively more dangerous to do internal surveys of the wreck itself as the sections of superstructure collapse. I don't think that much can be served by artifact recovery but a helluva lot can be learned by sending ROV's inside for a detailed survey of the sort that wasn't possible even a few years ago. Look at what Cameron's expedition accomplished and consider that a taste of what's possible.
The only large piece of the ship I'd possibly like to see recovered would be one of the boilers, as that would be a far more impressive exhibit to me than a chunk of hull which even then is later cut into two pieces.

But of course, it would be a massive job, and anyway, don't they all kinda look better off right where they are?

I don't know if anything would look better right where it is, but given how tricky and dangerous any kind of recovery would be...to say nothing of expen$ive...likely as not, that's where most of what's there will stay for all time.

And if anyone thinks that recovery of large chunks would be simple, take note of the three ring circus that recovery of the Big Piece was. Anyone remember that rope that broke on the first attempt? It was most fortunate that nobody was in the way when this happened as any such individual would almost certainly have been killed by the snapback. Breaking lines have been known not just to tear off limbs, but also to cut people in half.

Salvage is in no wise a game for wimps.
Here are my ideas for what should be recovered.
1. The telemotor
2. The one boiler that Robert Ballard saw that brought Titanic to life again.
3. When the anchor chains are gone and the anchors collapse id like to see those raised
4. tons of more stuff in the debris field
5.That crane in the debris field
6. The parts of the bridge that are hanging down that will soon (if not already in the two years it has been left alone) fall onto A deck
7. maybe some kind of underwater saw can be invented to cut off the bow railing and that vent thing that is over the center anchor
8.The center anchor.
9. More coal to sell to the public to fund more expiditions
I know all of this stuff is very complicated but I think that with a little hard work and the right investors it is all possible.
One last question. Why is rms titanic inc. giving up salvage rights? Is anyone going to take over?
Why arn't they going back there?
On RMSTI giving up salvage rights, all I can say is hold the phone on that one. They may not be allowed to do so. The problem as it stands right now is money. They need it...lots of it...and they don't have it.

As to who, if anybody takes over, your guess is as good as mine. Once RMSTI gives up salvage rights, she basically becomes fair game for whoever can get there first. This begs the question of wheter or not the new guys on the block will be an improvement over what was there befor. I realize that a lot of people, including the majority of shareholders, may have some valid gripes with the company, but they were at least the devil we knew.

What comes next is the devil we don't know. Not a comforting thought.
for me, must to be recovered all remains of the restaurant of 1rst class (windows, panels,plates,etc), candelabres,remains of the Room (for example the room of Ismay and to make a museum.
Somebody tell me this was Chris just being ironic?!-

"Here are my ideas for what should be recovered.
1. The telemotor
2. The one boiler that Robert Ballard saw that brought Titanic to life again.
3. When the anchor chains are gone and the anchors collapse id like to see those raised
4. tons of more stuff in the debris field
5.That crane in the debris field
6. The parts of the bridge that are hanging down that will soon (if not already in the two years it has been left alone) fall onto A deck
7. maybe some kind of underwater saw can be invented to cut off the bow railing and that vent thing that is over the center anchor
8.The center anchor.
9. More coal to sell to the public to fund more expiditions"

Might as well add-

'10. Nuke the thing' if you're gonna write a shopping list like that!
No Mr. Bull I was not being ironic. Iknow that most of these things are not possible now, but the wreck will soon start to fall apart and a-lot of these things will be accesable soon. Ok the more I think about it the anchors will most likely be impossible but im sure that the rest could make it.
I'll stick my neck out and predict that there will be no more salvage carried out, certainly not this side of 2012.

The whole RMSTI affair rode on the back of Cameron's now almost-forgotten flick. Even with it's aid, RMSTI didn't become a financial triumph. Any new salvager would battle to turn a profit and that's what it's about.

I'll predict some more tourist dives will take place, if only because the Russians need the money. Time will tell if I'm right.
You can bet on of the 100th anniversary of the sinking, a number of cruises to the area of the sinking, and public submersible dives to the wreck will occour.
I hope i get down there before the 100th anniversary..

Tarn Stepahnos
Part of me thinks they should let what still lays beneath the sea, stay there out of respect. The other part of me wants to salvage any personal items for those who might be descendents of a passenger/crew member. The ship will eventually disappear as there are organisms that eat away at metal. Keeping the history alive the the memory of those on board is the most important part.
ARE YOU NUTS!!!!!!!!!!
i think the titanic should be raised call me crazy but i have my own plan to bring up the ship.
here is the info
using submarines we weld up the break in the hull THEN using special metal plates we patch up the iceberg dammage
NOW comes the fun part
we put massive tanks full of gasoline on the hull of the wreck.
we cut the chains holding the ship to the bottom and UP IT COMES right to the surface where it will be towed to new york to complete its voyage and be turned into a museum NOW THAT IS PRESERVING HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!