What's next for the wreck?

RMS Titanic is being held on the bottom by one thing, and one only: money. As Lord Grade said, "It would have been cheaper to lower the Atlantic."

- And he was only talking about a movie!
Hello all,
"Welding the ship together??!!!". I don't thing so. Anyone who knows anything about welding, let alone deep sea welding will inform you that for welding to take place, there must first be INTEGRITY of the items to be joined. In most cases this means strength, which the Titanic does not have. And, in Titanic's case, there is the problem of impurities in the metal which would ensure that practically any type of weld would be doomed to fail. If a weld is not clean, it is not a load bearing joint. Just ask anyone who has a tocket in high pressure pipe welding. I really get a kick out of the "let's bring her up" camp. If those folks only understood one 10th of the problematic logistics associated with such a venture, we would never see another post about it... ever. Face it folks, it ain't gonna happen. Regards, Steve Santini
Maybe it could be done with the help of aliens. You know, those clever little critters in the movie 'Batteries not Included', who made short work of the impossible task of re-assembling a demolished apartment block from a pile of rubble. That, of course, was Hollywood fantasy, but it does illustrate the scale of the problem, and in the real world we have to accept that the scattered and shattered remains of the Big T ain't never gonna get it together.
Did any of you see that cheesy movie from 1980: raise the Titanic? It was about just that. They make it out to be easy, however welding and so-forth propably would not work with haw rusted the wreck is. Do any of you remember the guy who wanted to fill the ship with ping-pong balls? I think you would have a better chance with that, except with the pressure the ping-pong ball would look like a M&M.
Janet...I do remember some guy wanting to fill the ship with ping pong balls...they would probably all start popping like popcorn before they got anywhere near the ship...besides the structure isn't completely enclosed, so how would the balls stay in one place anyway? The ping pong guy...was it Jack Grimm? Can't remember.
I wonder what shape a ping-pong ball would assume under a few atmospheres! Anybody with direct experience? I imagine the M&M size would be attained in the first few hundred feet, no? At depth, they'd be more like sand grains (assuming they imploded uniformly, which probably isn't a safe assumption).
>>using submarines we weld up the break in the hull THEN using special metal plates we patch up the iceberg dammage <<

What submarines? There are only six submersibles in the world even capable of diving that deep and none of them are capable of that kind of work. You would also have to do substantially more then weld plates over a few splits. The hull is shattered, in two large peices, one meduim sized chunk, and thoousands of little ones. Also, see Steve's observations on welding. It's bang on the money.

>>we put massive tanks full of gasoline on the hull of the wreck.<<

No you don't. They tried bags of diesel fuel with that small chunk of plating known as the Big Piece and damn near lost the beast. Besides, compromised as the structural integrity of the ship is, the remains would surely break up long befor anything ever got to the surface. Likely as not, it would break apart befor it even got all that far from the bottom.

>>we cut the chains holding the ship to the bottom and UP IT COMES right to the surface<<

There are no chains holding the remains of the hull to the bottom. It's own weight and the fact that it's stuck in the mud are doing that just fine.

>>and UP IT COMES right to the surface where it will be towed to new york to complete its voyage and be turned into a museum <<

A shattered, decaying wreck into a museum? How many trillions of dollars do you have to do the decades worth of conservation, rebuilding, refurbishing. etc???

Maritime museums of every stripe run on a shoestring and a lot of volunteer labour and some still fail...and these with ships of equal or greater historical value which are in good condition and which have never been wrecked.
Well, who what do we use for bait?
I am just as much a titanic buff as you all are!!
now okay i admit the idea of RAISEING THE TITANIC seems very odd and in some casses stupid! BUT I AM NOT GOING TO SIT HERE AND LISTEN TO REPORTS OF IT FALLING APART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I REPEAT I AM NOT GOING TO LET THE TITANIC FALL APART DOWN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!