Phil- waiting with bated breath for the obit! Now I am confused. Have been trying to piece facts of Dorothy's life and loves together from conflicting accounts. One source says she and Jules were an item after she made EASTER BONNET in 1911, he divorced Clara down in Kentucky, married Dorothy, and then was sued by wife #1 saying the divorce was not legal- & demanded more alimony. When Dorothy left in 1919, she settled for only 10,000 per year instead of the originally demanded 48,000 plus lawyer fees because she feared an annulment based on the illegal Kentucky divorce would occur. So how does the fishy car accident fit in all of this? Then I read Jules married Hope Hampton who managed to hold on to Dishy Jules until he died in 1946. What's the scoop? Odd they both died in the same year. Had not realized Jules was so rich or that Eclair was eventually sucked up by Universal and was located in Fort Lee, New Jersey- seconds from Manhattan. Now the story makes sense. I pulled out some old vintage Harrison Fisher prints- and yep- there's our Dorothy! Fascinating stuff. My reference for this last posting comes from info researched by John Eaton and published in VOYAGE 8 & 9. Amazon .com has an AUDIO CD of Saved From the Titanic -the nitrate-based film is gone of course. The 4 stills from the film are in the Library of Congress and are reproduced in VOYAGE 8- pretty corny by today's standards but hot stuff in 1912 I guess.