Dorothy GibsonNazi

What an excellent piece on the Gibsons! Thank you Brian and Phillip for sharing this great sidebar on two "Titanic" women. Their survival instincts are evident throughout their lives, though they don't come across as particularly heroic--or admirable.
Warmest regards,
Douglas, Corinda, Andrew--many thanks for your comments. It was an interesting process finding out about these ladies.

Glenda, "distinguished" is just a nice way of saying mostly gray-haired!

Dear Colleen,

I wish I had seen your mention of Ned Beatty
sooner, but here goes. Last Fall, on a research
trip in England, I ran into Ned Beatty in a
baguette shop I frequent. As it was mere days
after the World Trade Center atrocity, there
were scant numbers of Americans travelling, and
it was a surprise to see him walk into the
shop. I went up to him, introduced myself,
and we sat down and had lunch. This was one
of the few times I did not have my camera
with me, but he did autograph my tube train
ticket! He is a terrific guy, and told me
to look him and his wife up when I returned.
It impressed me at that moment that we
were not fan and actor, but human beings
talking about our place in the world, and
the suddenness of life. We chatted about
his role as "Big Daddy" in Cat On A Hot
Tin Roof, and my research; also of our
families back home as the anthrax scare
came to light back home in the US.
Just thought I would share a neat time I
had. Hope it wasn't too boring or OT.
I enjoyed that story very much Brian. What a nice person he truly seems to be! He has always been one of our family's more favorite actor!
Thanks again.
Ned Beatty is a very talanted character actor. A lot of flicks I've seen him in have him play the role of the fool, but my favourite performance was in a dramatic role as the chaplain who ministered to Private Eddie Slovik in his last hours in The Execution Of Private Slovik.