Elizabeth Nye


Actually you don't list 'other' on how we found you, but I got your address from YIL. Great work you've done! Are you still working on bios of other passengers? Also, are you working on the lists of other lifeboats? your work is quite massive. I particularly found Elizabeth Ramell Nye's account very interesting, yet horrible. As I read her letter, I could hear the cries and see the men fighing on the raft. Shameful the Titanic.

I visited this website to try and find any information i could on my Great Aunt, Mrs Elizabeth Ramell Nye. This site was fantastic and very informative. I have found out a number of details but there are still a few remaining grey areas so if anyone has information please contact us. Congratulations to the people who wrote this page.

Jennifer Rutland
Bristol, England
For anyone who may be vaguely interested, Elizabeth Ramell-Nye (later Darby) Was a great aunt of ours via marriage. We have some information on her including pictures, marriage certificates, letters etc. If you happen to be researching this line please contact us - we would be delighted to help if we can.

Mike & Jen Rutland
Gloucestershire, England
Hi everyone,

I am new to this board. My first cousin (twice removed) Elizabeth Ramell was a 2nd class passenger. Her family went on to live in new York where she died in the 1960's.
Hallo Gail -

Have you been in touch with Dave Bryceson? He has a tremendous amount of information on Elizabeth, and has just completed a superb biography of her that is with the publishers now. It's a wonderful read!

I'd be happy to pass on his contact details if you don't have them already.

Thank you for the reply and yes I would very much like to contact Dave Bryceson. I am starting to research my family tree on my mother's side and it would be a tremendous help. Thanks again.

No worries, Gail - I'll email you his contact details. Dave is in contact with other members of the family, and is a wonderfully helpful individual.

The book itself is going to be one of the best passenger bios ever published - I've read the MS, and it was absolutely intriguing. I learned a tremendous amount not only about Elizabeth, but also about those close to her and the Salvation Army of the era.
Hi, I've joined up because I am looking for some information on Elizabeth Nye.

I work for Shepway District Council in the Communications department and write articles on local history for our magazine Shepway Today.

As Elizabeth was born and raised in Folkestone (part of the district of Shepway), I am looking for some information on her earlier years in the town.

I am also wondering if the biography mentioned in an earlier post is now available. I've checked various websites that sell books, but can only find one book by Mr Bryceson which does not appear to be this one.

Any information you can give me would be of immense help.

Thanks in advance.
Hallo Su -

Dave's book has not yet been published. I owe him an email, so if you like I'd be happy to drop him a line to see how it's going.

I'm a bit of a Folkestone fan myself - visited there again just a few months ago. You might be interested to know that Sixth Officer James Moody had family in the town and visited them there.
Hi Inger

That would be great, thank you.

I didn't know about James Moody, so that is of interest. I only found out about Elizabeth by accident a few months ago as I was researching other topics for features for the magazine and discovered part of the letter to her parents published online.

I went to the Folkestone Herald offices on Wednesday of this week and had a rummage through their archives for the original copy of the paper. They were kind enough to allow me a scan of it, which was great as I was unable to find the complete letter online.

We have some really interesting history in Folkestone, so it's nice to know there are some fans of the town out there. If only a few more of them lived here!!