Book about Jack Phillips


Did any of you read the book "The Man Who Sent The SOS" ? If so,what do you believe? Is it all true or BS? The Author said some things like Jack Phillips had broken his Fingers and James Moody and Jack Phillips were Close Friends. He also said HE is the Reincarnation of Jack Phillips . He also said in an Interview that Jack Phillips couldn't send a last Message because he had broken 2 of his Fingers. I don't believe it, to be Honest. I mean the Friendship between Moody and Phillips was well known. He could've found it on the Internet. But one Thing was strange , he said there are a lot of Theorys,why Jack Phillips couldnt send a Message (No Power, They had no Chance because of the Water...) What do you believe? The Author is Paul Amirault
Moderator's caution:

Please tread lightly here. Discussions of reincarnation have, albeit in the distant past, become overly heated. Be respectful of the beliefs of others, even (especially?) if you don't share them. Thanks.
I don't want to talk about reincarnation. It was just one thing. My main questions are about the the things he said (broken fingers, that jack blamed the guy from the californian)