Jack Phillips' final moments

As far as I am aware, no one reported seeing Sixth Officer James Moody on any lifeboat. He was last seen helping to release Collapsible A on the roof of the officers' quarters and was very likely washed away soon afterwards.

Although there are some reports that Jack Phillips was pulled on board the overturned Collapsible B and died while on it, they are unconvincing; I personally don't think that Phillips reached any lifeboat. He very likely died with rest of the crowd in the stern of the ship when the Titanic went under.

i heard about jack philips that he dies before he where resued from their capratha. in the morning.

he want gives anything to a women he loved .....

haves you heard about it

i seek anecastors from kathleen bex .

to find more out about jack....
1st class Passenger William Hoyt
3rd Class Passenger David Livshin
Able Bodied Seaman William Lyons
Bedroom Steward Sidney Siebert

Thanks for that, IG.

From that group, AFAIK Sidney Siebert died soon after being pulled on board Lifeboat #4; William Hoyt and almost certainly David Livshin were already dead when they reached the Carpathia. But William Lyons was unconscious but still alive when he was taken on board the Carpathia and died a few hours later.

So theoretically, should Lyons be considered as the very last Titanic victim ie someone who died directly due to the ship's collision with the iceberg and the after effects?
Since Phillips body was never recovered, most likely he was not wearing a life jacket. However, in Marconi room, Phillips and bride had a scuffle with a stroker over Phillips life jacket, they manage to knock stroker out. But it seems Phillips never grab his life jacket. It wouldn't had saved his life, but at least recover his body for a proper burial.
So theoretically, should Lyons be considered as the very last Titanic victim ie someone who died directly due to the ship's collision with the iceberg and the after effects?
Well, that would depend on how you look at it. Henry Lyons may have been the last Titanic victim in the vicinity of the disaster. But following the cause and effect chain, the tragedy itself might have influenced on some of Titanic survivors’ suicide, and in some cases contributed to their death due to physical health affection or worsening of pre-existing conditions (e.g. pneumonia), which can also be considered as Titanic victims.
Possible, but there is no easy way to link. Mary Nakid and another child died of meningitis a few months after the disaster and unless the diagnosis was wrong (which I doubt), that cannot be linked to the sinking. Childhood meningitis was often fatal in those pre-vaccine and pre-antibiotic days. Archibald Gracie was already a diabetic (again, treatment was at its infancy and complications were not properly understood those days) and his death almost 8 months after the disaster would be difficult to link. The only possibility is Stewardess Anne Robinson who is believed to have committed suicide in 1914 but she had personal problems before the Titanic voyage including estrangement from her husband. As she did not lose anyone close in the Titanic sinking but had a history of anxiety and depression, which might have contributed to her suicide which has to be considered as a separate unfortunate event IMO.
One of the most egregious reaches I've seen was trying to link Jack Thayer's suicide after the death of his son and mother in 1944-45. It may not be as egregious as I'm thinking because his son was shot down over the Pacific and Marian Thayer died on April 14.
when he was in collapsiple a. the must haves him

Although Bride and one other mentioned that Phillips made it to the overturned Collapsible B, was dragged on board but died while standing with the rest, I don't think there is corroborated evidence of that. Personally (and this is only an opinion), I think Phillips never made it to any lifeboat and was one of many who were trapped on the stern of the sinking Titanic.