Jack Phillips' final moments

lucykathkeen...are you using a translator program? Just curious as I've often seen translator programs provide results similar to your posts. Anyway welcome to E.T.
P.S....your english is better than my german, spanish, italian, ect ect so good for you learning another language.
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Yes. i uses it when i words not know. its not the same how i learn it from childhood . are when i lives in the land . i knows that anyone spoke with jack before he died ... i had heard he was in a lie boat, later death. i had thougt the had brought him on bord from their carpathia and james paul moody and the other too.

or had the left the lifeboat on the oean . and is it mabe the same boat the found 4 weeks later on juni ... over 300 miles away...
This link below was posted by Ioannis and Julian earlier in this thread. It might answer some of your questions. Its a good article to read. As others have said earlier Phillips wasn't taken aboard Carpathia. Good luck in your search.

thank you....

anything is wrong. i feels it....

maybe the found more out when the expolores the offciers cabins etc on and outside from their titanic...

on the list must be more people not only 4 ...
By chance I came across this excerpt from Bride's testimony at the British Inquiry, something that I had missed earlier. It seems rather more definitive compared with his "I was told" type of ambiguity at the American Inquiry.

16602. And washed you off?
- Yes. The last I saw of Mr. Phillips he was standing on the deck-house.

That is another piece of evidence that Phillips never made it to Collapsible B; he likely never made it to any lifeboat.
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I remembered this thread while discussing the letter that Harold Bride wrote to Mr Cross, the traffic manager at Marconi Company on 27th April 1912 and which he produced as evidence to Senator Smith during his testimony at the American Inquiry. Below is a relevant excerpt; please note the highlighted parts.

I called Phillips several times, but got no response, but learned later from several sources that he was on this boat and expired even before we were picked off by the Titanic's boat.
I am told fright and exposure was the cause of his death.
As far as I can find out, he was taken on board the Carpathia and buried at sea from her, though for some reason the bodies of those who had died were not identified before burial from the Carpathia, and so I can not vouch for the truth of this.

This clearly indicates that Bride never claimed to have actually seen for himself Phillips on top of the overturned Collapsible B but was rather mentioning third party reports, about which he stressed that he had serious doubts. He also mentioned another important clue - that the dead bodies that were given a sea burial from the Carpathia were never formally identified.

That clearly shows the reason for Bride's anger for what Lightoller mentioned in his book Titanic and Other Ships 23 years later. To quote Lightoller:
"Phillips, the senior wireless operator, standing near me, told me the different ships that had answered our call . . . . poor old Phillips did not live to benefit by it. He hung on till daylight came in and we sighted one of the lifeboats in the distance . . . . he suddenly slipped down, sitting in the water, and though we held his head up he never recovered. I insisted on taking him into the lifeboat with us." [Lightoller, pp. 252-3.]

That to me suggests that the former Second Officer of the Titanic was either taking extreme liberties or confabulating.