A Bit of Nostalgia - "In Search of The Titanic" & "Secrets and Mysteries - The Titanic"


Found these two old short documentaries recently. One was made a few years before the wreck was found and the other a couple of years afterwards.

There is precisely nothing ground breaking contained in them and they get quite a number of things completely wrong but I suppose in fairness they were working with the best information they had to hand at the time but which would soon become discredited. So prepare for rubbish about "if the lookouts had binoculars..." and "they should have hit the berg head on ..".

Anyway, if you like to watch anything relating to the ship and fancy a bit of 1980s TV nostalgia then fill your boots here.

The first up is an episode of the "In Search of ..." series broadcast in 1981. Featuring Peter Padfield and Charles Haas. The late, great Leonard Nimoy also narrates so what more do you want !

and this is an episode of "Secrets and Mysteries" from i think 1988. I don't know how on earth the writers got the bizarre idea that the Goodwin family were Irish when they were English. This is worth a watch for the hilariously bad acting.

As I say there is nothing you don't already know
Magnificently awful

And Kojak was drunk on the job !

Btw I forgot to mention in the opening post, for all the film fans, that the "In Search of ... the Titanic" episode has some alternate takes from ANTR that are rarely seen.