Anyway, decided to revive this thread from last year as I've been thinking of coming back to 3D modelling the Shawcraft Models Ltd Titanic model from the movie A Night to Remember.

Update: As I was going through by trying to model the Shawcraft Models Ltd Titanic model as my first attempt by using references, here it is with just using photo matching. I also, didn't finish it as I was getting around with a photo match tool.

I did make a small error though. While trying to model the bow, its curve was merging into the well deck bulk. So I had to compromise that.

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While it's not finished, another shot done with photo matching.

Render of the model with this used hull texture.
Test 2.jpg

Original shot that was photomatched with my model (below)
In your original post you write that there were/are no colour photo's of the movie's model.
While my example is still B & W, but i have seen colour pics of this, the model from the flop movie "Raise the Titanic". The movie's prop was left abandoned in Malta.
Am sure with a little searching they can be found, if any help in your virtual creation
In your original post you write that there were/are no colour photo's of the movie's model.
Am sure with a little searching they can be found, if any help in your virtual creation
Unfortunately, that is the problem. There are no colour photos of it. I tried to use this artist' sketch which showcases the model during sinking shots in the Pinewood studio's water tank, but the only thing that concerns me if the colours are accurate.
(Mary Evans Picture Library Ltd)