Algernon Henry Wilson Barkworth

Justin - Many thanks for the above information about Mr. Barkworth - I have just updated my Memorials book with the information and that is memorial number 968 and I have put your name in the Contributors list.
Very best regards - Brian
Great pictures Justin. Thanks for sharing.

Best regards,

I got the book from an internet site. "A swim for dear life". It was interesting, giving a little insight into Algernons life and what happened to his infamous fir coat, it was a bit sad hearing of its demise. The rest of the book was basically about the sinking of the ship, pretty much common knowledge but nontheless still interesting and was worth buying.

According to the book the car in the photograph was called "Dixie", thats either the name he gave it or its model name, its an american roadster and must have been quite famous locally. I don't suppose there were many of those being driven around the country lanes of East Yorkshire back then!

All the best - Justin
I was helping my 7 year old daughter prepare some information for a school project here in New Hampshire, where I now live when I discovered your fascinating site and have enjoyed reading the information about my great, great uncle Algie. For several generations The Barkworths have dined out on their connections with this otherwise unremarkable country gentleman. As a small boy, one member of the family remembers meeting Algie towards the end of his life and, noting that his hands felt very cold, was sure that they had remained so ever since his exposure in the north Atlantic!