Are any modern cruise shipliner suites as ugly as the Andrea Doria's dreaded Zodiac suite

I have a hunch a reason Stockholm's bow struck the Andrea Doria, and the bullseye was the dreadfull 'Zodiac suite' was that the gods must have taken offense of the decor-
It stands as the most hideous decor I have ever seen, in any public room-
I'm curious if there are any cruise ships or liners today who have cabins or public rooms that could on any level surpass the Zodiac Suite in regards to its hidiousness.....I have a hunch though- The Zodiac Suite was in a league of its own....

I wouldn't be surprised if the Zodiac serial killer of the 1960s had sailed the Andrea doria, was booked in the Zodiac suite, and was driven to madness by the end of the voyage. The decor is really that bad....


Tarn Stephanos
These three ships (Pride of America, Pride of Aloha and Pride of Hawaii) would have to be the three ugliest ships I've ever seen. Take a look at the 'tasteful' decorations on the side.

The inside is no better. The cabins are coloured in bright pinks and blues and yellows. How you would ever get to sleep, I'll never know.