Bow letters on the wreck

After watching/reading/looking at information that has been done on the discovery of the so called Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, how do we know for certain that it was the Titanic? Speculation in 1912 and even today that the ship that may be at the bottom is her sister ship Olympic. The reason for this being the colliding of the olympic with the British warship the Sea Hawk in 1912, which did great damage to Olympics Hull and was seen too much to mend. On these submarine dives down to the Titanic, why hasnt a submarine looked for the name print on the sides of the ship above the anchors, or at the very stern of the ship where it should say "Titanic, Liverpool." Many dives have been taken place, yet besides the artifacts that have been recovered, why cant they find hard evidence by looking for the name on the hull? Is this the true secret to Titanic??
Kind Regards
"After watching/reading/looking at information that has been done on the discovery of the so called Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, how do we know for certain that it was the Titanic? Speculation in 1912 and even today that the ship that may be at the bottom is her sister ship Olympic."

Your question has been raised before, many times. A few problems:

-We know it's Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic, simply by understanding the structural differences between the sisters. Not so much as cigar holders in bathrooms, but so much as window and stateroom changes, vent configurations, placement of equipment on deck, etc.

-It's hard to keep quiet an entire shipyard to such a plan. The same can be said about the Moon landings being "faked".

-Claims that it was for insurance reasons are not very good. Titanic was underinsured, meaning White Star would have hurt itself more by pulling off such a scheme.

"The reason for this being the colliding of the olympic with the British warship the Sea Hawk in 1912, which did great damage to Olympics Hull and was seen too much to mend. "

Where did you get your information that this is what happened? What was the extent of the damage to Olympic? Can you substantiate that she suffered more damage than damaged shell plating and a couple minor frames?

And the warship's name was the Hawke.

"On these submarine dives down to the Titanic, why hasnt a submarine looked for the name print on the sides of the ship above the anchors, or at the very stern of the ship where it should say "Titanic, Liverpool."

Rusticles are in the way, but apparently they've managed to see part of Titanic's name on the bow. This is silly, anyway, since documented photos of her departure plainly show her name on the hull. Are you suggesting the ship still had "OLYMPIC" on the day she left port April 10?

Looks like someone has been reading Gardiner's book. As Adam stated, there are many structural differences between the Olympic and Titanic--they were not identical by any means. In addition, in photos taken at the stern of the wreck, the number "401" can be seen plainly on the propeller. This was Titanic's hull number at Harland and Wolff. Olympic was number 400.
Carl, it's a simple matter of checking the VIN number. You know what a VIN number is, right? Well, Titanic had a VIN number of sorts, #401. Guess what the VIN number was on the wreckage? 401. So there was no switch. Like my mama used to say, Never believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. But the Bible says "There is safety in a multitude of counselors" and "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, a thing shall be established." Well, all the witnesses here can dispute the claim of one man's book. You'll find safety in the information disseminated here.

"Could it be those big white letters that say "TITANIC" on the stern?"

The lettering was done in golden yellow, the same as the sheer line between white and black on the hull.

Actually there could well be some truth in this.
Whilst examining the salvaged Olympic fittings at the White Swan Hotel in Alnwick I couldn't help noticing some graffiti scratched into a panel. It quite clearly read - "JACK LUVS ROSE"
Pssst...Charlotte...That was a joke on Steve's part
Actually Jeremy, that part of the stern is reletively intact. Keep in mind that most of the air expelled when the compartments imploded was expelled up through the third class staircase.