Not to get technical or anything, but seeing how the Titanic's been under water for all but 91 years, wouldn't the paint eventually wear off and disappear? What did they use back then to paint the ship's name on the hull?
The lettering of the ship's name was first cut into the steel plates, then painted. So even without the paint the lettering would still exist as a series of indendations.
Yes, the lettering still dose exist. In wreck footage I have the name Titanic is still clearly visible on the port side. The black plaint on the hull appears to be in very good shape.
Why there aren't any sign about of the word Titanic in any rescued artefacts (chines, glass, etc). The expedition of cameron didn't show any sign. I'm not talkink about of the Sign TITANIC on the Bow.
Sandro, if you are asking why items used on the ship did not have the name 'Titanic' marked on them, it is because it was cheaper for the shipping line (White Star) to buy these things in bulk for use on all their ships. So, when items are marked with a name, it is usually 'White Star'.