Bristow - Fleet Bribe

Fiona wrote (in a recently-deceased thread): :)

>Reade's interview of Fleet doesn't seem >(skimming) to include any bribery allegations and
> I found this of interest owing to Reade's >sympathetic hearing of Fleet.

Hi, Fiona!

As I said recently, though, I don't think many people would jump at the opportunity to reveal to a stranger that they once sold their personal integrity for an offer of personal gain (even if the 'gain' was never forthcoming.)

>I couldn't find
> T:SS&S to check against Bristow (Sinking the >Myths), but am quite content to accept
> George's comments in this thread in lieu. >(Hope you don't mind me taking your word for
> it, George!

Not at all (only we're talking about different Bristow books.) :)

Diana's information about the Fleet bribe appears in her *first* book -- "Titanic RIP: Can Dead Men Tell Tales?" The book is very hard to find these days. Recently I chanced upon two pristine copies in a used book store and took the chance of buying both copies for $130 for trading purposes; I'm glad to say that two great friends of mine were able to add those books to their collections. (If they hadn't, Pat would have killed me for spending all that money.) :)

All my best,

Thanks George,

Titanic RIP, eh. Thought I was going mad there for a while.

And thanks too for the welcome news that copies of Bristow's first book are still out there... somewhere. While I'm pleased the copies you found went to good homes, it's at times like this that I rue my geographic isolation from most Titanica. Oh well. The quest continueth! (And good to know that you have lived to collect books yet another day



BTW did you ever get/read that 'Nurse Cleaver' book?
Fiona wrote:

>BTW did you ever get/read that 'Nurse Cleaver' >book?

Hi, Fi!

No, I'm afraid I never ordered a copy. The couple of descriptions I've heard of the book make it sound interesting -- but not *that* interesting (although I guess I'd stoop down to pick up a copy if I found one lying on my doorstep.) :)

Have a great weekend.

All my best,
