Charles Painter and Frank Painter

1st march 2021 still in covid situation and his question is still driving me nuts!!!!!!
Too bad about your research troubles. At some point they will realize that these lockdowns aren't helping anything and then you can get back to it. I live in a place that never had lockdowns so don't know what your really going thru. What you wrote sounds like a lot of the little towns where I live where everybody has the last name. Hard to tell who's who. Good luck on your research.
I've been looking for crew info for Olympic. For frank Painter and Charles Painter. They both listed the Olympic as previous posts. I can find them. Is it possible they were telling porkie pies???? Doe anyone have experience of this. I have to admit I HATE the national archives I really struggle to find what I'm looing for.
Never heard that term before...guessing it means tall tales? The Painters are listed as having served aboard the Olympic on the list below if that helps any.
Too bad about your research troubles. At some point they will realize that these lockdowns aren't helping anything and then you can get back to it. I live in a place that never had lockdowns so don't know what your really going thru. What you wrote sounds like a lot of the little towns where I live where everybody has the last name. Hard to tell who's who. Good luck on your research.
Lockdown!? We're both still working. I'd rather like a lockdown about now!
Yes Uk in lockdown. It was a dig on my part. Essential worker feeling the strain!!!! I didn't mean to sound rude. x
No problemo. I didn't take your post as rude. Essential worker...well its good to be needed. Never had that classification before. But I think I would prefer going to work than staying home all the time. It'll get better. Cheers.
Having done lots of research. I find that Frank had at leased 7 other relatives on the titanic, still not found a link to Frank but I still cant get into the reading rooms for the parish records. Most of the fireman came from the same area and in those days they married locally. Lots of them worked together and came from large sea faring families. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more links but I'm running out of umph!
Not that this comment is going to help your search any but I remember reading a long time ago that in Southampton there was a street or streets that ended up with a nickname like "widows walk" or "widows row" or something because every other house had a widow from Titanic from all the crewman that were lost.
P.S... Your comment about the National Archives struck a nerve with me. Seems like every time I end up there looking for something they redirect you to a site that wants you to pay to join to get the info. I guess not being a british citizen I have no right to complain about it but if its the same for you guys I would be pissed (mad not drunk). You do pay taxes for that stuff I would guess.
Frank is behind his brother William to their right is their parents Fanny and Henry Painter. Photo taken nov 1907.
There isn't a photo of him on his entry on this site.


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I couldn't say for sure. I have looked around but found nothing conclusive. I know they were not brothers. Different fathers whose age differance appears to be about 20 years so I doubt the fathers were brothers themselves. They could have been cousins or uncle/nephew. You would have to use one of those geneoligical websets or check local records. I don't know how common the name Painter is in England but both families seem to be long time residents of Southampton so I would bet there is a connection.
Link found. But not where I expected it! Caroline Bagley Charles mother's brothers (two of them) married two of Henry David Painter's (Franks father)sisters. I am in touch with Charles great great grand daughter and we hope to do a DNA to see is that shows an blood link. As of yet they have alot of coincidences but look like they could be different Painter families.
Franks father had two sisters who married two brothers who where half brothers to Caroline Bagley,Charles wife. Charles great grand daughter and I have done DNA and there is no blood link but there is a marrage link.
If the follwing gives more in the way of assistance then let's breed new life into the feedback. Both Painter widows were on the Relief Fund under the wing of the Southampton Committee. If that helps?
If the follwing gives more in the way of assistance then let's breed new life into the feedback. Both Painter widows were on the Relief Fund under the wing of the Southampton Committee. If that helps?
Do yu have any idea how I access any information about them from the relief fund? That is if there is any info to be had.