Charles Painter and Frank Painter

Karen there's really nothing to have or had as there's no record of Committee Minutes to view depicting the families circumstances.

Unless you can provide some further details on the Child Dependents who may well have been offered a chance of serving an apprenticehip.

Apprenticeships was a kind of perk of the Fund's application of receiving a better job prospects for the coming future, and the range of apprenticeships valid widely, some becme upholsterers, others became mechanic's, quite a few of the female dependenst opted for a secretarial roll or book keeping.

One of the boy dependents became a Doctor where he had to serve his Doctoric at the Royal Navy headquarters at Portsmouth and later became invovled in a Naval battle in 1942, and would later in peacetime operate two dispensaries: one in Britian and the other was based out in Perth Western Australia.