Cam Houseman
Good point, Keith!I agree pure water is a bad conductor of electricity and more experiments needed with salt water ,the lamps being illuminated below the water may just have been due to them being partially water tight and also lack of an earth path and also being low voltage . But interestingly is the reports of the lights going out then back on again just before Titanic sank , was someone still at the switchboard to reset the breakers at that final moments or were the generators coming off their beds due to the angle of the ship , the emergency generator was mounted just below the forth funnel so was the emergency circuits trying to cut in as the main circuits failed ? , so that gives food for thought.
that could explain the lights survivors saw after the breakup? Or perhaps the lights just dying.
You know how when a light is hot, and you turn it off, it takes a minute to full lose the light? Maybe that happened