Elizabeth Anne Mellenger and Violet Madeline Mellenger

I was fortunate enough to meet Madeleine Mellenger (Mrs. Mann) in l972 and spent a couple of afternoons with her. She was very kind and told me her story of the sinking and rescue. She was a good friend of Walter Lord. Mrs. Mann (nee Mellenger) was kind enough to give me a special letter signed with her name as it had appeared on the passenger list. She was 13 at the time and was travelling with her mother. She was going to meet her father in New York. Sadly, Mrs. Mann died several years ago but I treasure the two letters she wrote to me after our meetings. She was a charming lady and told me that the Titanic incident had influenced her whole life and that her husband was very good and long suffering to have put up with playing second fiddle to the Titanic for so many years.

Barbara Provis
Hi All. Elizabethmellenger was my Grandmother. and madeline My aunt. I was fortunate to meet them both.. I am curious that a Bracelet Is in a museum In Pigeon Forks. TN.. must try to visit some day. all the best. this is being posted on the anniversary of the sinking.april 15th 2011 Richard C Mellenger. Surrey BC .
In the museum it tells of how the bracelet came to be there. Family members ended up giving it to a close friend of the family and he happened to be with collecting items from the Titanic and thats how it came to be there. But, it tells in the museum in Piegon Forge in more details...... I can't remember it all. : )
 I got her boarding pass when I visited the Titanic Attraction in Pigeon Forge. It states that her lucky copper bracelet is on display courtesy of Ed and Karen Kamuda of the Titanic Historical Society. She actually lost this bracelet when she was boarding a lifeboat and later found it in on the floor on the front of the boat. It's pretty banged up and dented. From I remember of the story she gave it to Ed to put on display.
Some inaccuracies in this report, They went to Welland Ont, where Elizabeth had a brother, Reginald, had been working for him for a few yrs prior, and had gone back to England and accompaned my dad A L Mellenger to New York
I met Madeline Mann (Melinger) when I was a young girl. Mr and Mrs Mann (the names I used) shared a driveway with my grandparents in Scarborough, Ontario. She was a kind lady who once told me the story of the Titanic’s sinking and of her mother going deaf from the experience. I was so young at the time and wish I asked more questions. She once signed a little autograph book I kept at the time. I said she was the most famous person I ever knew. I can also say, she was English classy. She was so very regal and had beautiful long hair that she wore braided in a bun. She showed me her hair unbraided once and I thought she was fascinating. My grandparents adored both of the Manns too. I now live in Idaho and only once went back to see my grandparents old house. Cindy (Steadman) Thomas
Madeline was my grandmother. I too visited her many times when she lived in Scarborough. I have a few books, stories, etc. that she gave our family. When I was last in London in 2012 at the Maritime Museum, I saw a display that contained a cloak that her mother had given Officer Lightoller after they had pulled him into their lifeboat. If anyone has any questions, please ask.