Factors That Could Have Prevented Sinking


For whatever it was worth, there were 9 experts on Titanic during her maiden voyage from H&W:

ANDREWS, Mr Thomas--naval architect and head of H&W's design office
CAMPBELL, Mr William Henry--Joiner Apprentice
CHISHOLM, Mr Roderick Robert Crispin--Draughtsman  
CUNNINGHAM, Mr Alfred Fleming--Fitter  
FROST, Mr Anthony Wood "Archie"--Fitter  
KNIGHT, Mr Robert J.--Fitter  
PARKES, Mr Francis "Frank"--Plumber  
PARR, Mr William Henry Marsh--Electrician  
WATSON, Mr Ennis Hastings--Apprentice Electrician  
Hi, Michael!

>>POSTSCRIPT: Thanks Jason for the 4' confirmation. I remember reading that the
Harbeck film may have survived, owing to it's *silver nitrate* make-up. However surely entombed in TITANIC's wreck.

Don't count too heavily on it having survived. Willy was traveling in Second-class and that section of the ship didn't fare too well in the breakup. BTW, he had 5 motion picture cameras with him (the other four were down in the hold), along with (later claimed) 110,000 feet of film stock, purchased for his anticipated trip across Siberia to northern Alaska - which never materialized, because the White Star made him an offer he felt he couldn't refuse.

You'll find Lawrence Beesley's account of Harbeck's filming the New York incident in his book.

I should also say, though, that there were enough still photographs taken by various people, both from the Titanic and from various points ashore, that an interesting montage of shots could be assembled showing much of the incident in sequence.
