Fireman injured by the steam from the boiler

As you know, hot steam is very dangerous. Exposure to it can cause permanent damage, including burns. Maybe that's why I remember the steam exposed fireman depicted in the titanic films. Was anyone actually hurt like that?

*i used a translator


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s.o.s. titanic(1979)

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I think this happens in A Night To Remember as well. There's a guy grabbing his shoulder which is covered in soot. It also happens in the really bad documentary "Inside the Titanic", where the guy is literally on fire
I think this happens in A Night To Remember as well. There's a guy grabbing his shoulder which is covered in soot. It also happens in the really bad documentary "Inside the Titanic", where the guy is literally on fire
Oh, i cant remember that moment. I'll watch that films again. Thank you for reply :)
As far as I know, steam can heat up much more than water boiling at 212 F, so I think it's possible. Moreover, I've heard that a fine jet of hot steam under pressure can even cut through a person
you mean waterjet but hot steam version,yes this could be deadly but in titanic case it would be lethal other way,potential worker would be boiled alive but not cut into pieces as titanic had max 218-230psi..
i worked with waterjet for some time and i know how dangerous is it,if water would be replaced by hot steam then yes it would be much worse.

as for the movie poor guy,he touched furnace doors trying to close them and then hot steam burst onto his hands and face.,but i dont get it. how you get chimes to close the furnance doors yes,you close them then iceberg hits and make some holes in hull,water gets in and some furnances were still open?