Fireman Joseph James Richards

Hi All

Researching the career of my grandfather and need to find the ships he served on before the Titanic. The signing on sheet states that he served on the Olympic before the Titanic, but when searching the Olympic crew list on this site, his name is missing.....can anybody help?

Kind Regards

I tried to find this list but couldn't. Maybe I'm missing the link to the thing. I suspect the list you're looking at would be for the particular voyage the Olympic was on the night the Titanic foundered. If that's the case, then your reletive wouldn't appear there as he simply would not have been on-board the Olympic at that particular time.
Joseph was my husband's grandfather. On checking engine crew list no 3 NO 66 he is listed as H RICHARDS.Can any one tell me what the H" stands for.Also there is some confusion on his previous ship,the people above him on the crew list were on the OLYMPIC but his entry has " and not "do" like the rest.He is not listed on the crew list for the Olympic on your web site. Unfortunately I live in the North Of England and visiting Kew is not an option.If any one is going there in the near future I would really appreciate if you could check this for me.
Brenda, in the original handwritten signature the initial looks to me like a 'J', not 'H'. The mark in the 'previous ship' column is just a short diagonal line, like a tick. Could mean anything, but probably not that he hadn't sailed before as that would have been listed as '1st'. Maybe just an alternative to 'do' by a very busy clerk.

[Moderator's Note: This message and the two immediately above it, originally a separate thread, have been moved to this pre-existing thread discussing the same person. MAB]
Brenda Greetings
The name on the signing on sheet is Richards, Joseph James and he does not give his previous ship when he signed on.
Below is my full print out on him.
You will see there are two Mrs. Richards co-habitants - it gets confusing.
One is the lady he was living with and the other 'I think' is the cohabitant of another crew member who was living with a lady named Mrs. Richards.
If you do have any family names perhaps you can clear this up?
best regards

Richards, Joseph James. Lived at 25 Summers Street, Northam, Southampton. Occupation - Fireman. 29 years old. (Born in Hampshire).
(Death Notice Southern Daily Echo 10th May 1912 and Hampshire Independent 4th, 11th May 1912).
Richards, Joseph.
Dearly Beloved Husband of Florence Richards, of 25, Summers Street, Northam.
Richards, Joseph James
Aged 29, Dearly Beloved Son of Mr. and Mrs. Richards of 34 Belvidere Terrace, Northam.
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number 221. Richards, Florence Alice, widow. Child: Joseph Henry. Both class G dependants.
(From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area)
Date August 14th 1913.
Case number 221. Grant of 2/6d to provide a pair of spectacles - cost 2/6d.
(From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area)
Date January 29th 1914.
Case number C146. Mrs. Richards remarried on 16th December 1913 and the usual allowance was paid.
(From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 3, Southampton Area)
Date 27th June 1923.
The Committee authorises the continuance of Allowance of 3/- per week until 30th June 1924.
Named on the right hand panel of the St. Augustines Church Memorial, (Maritime Museum) Southampton.
Whose wife?
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number 146. Richards, Ester, cohabitant. Children: Ivy Doreen and Winifred James. All class G dependants.
Thanks all for your speedy replies.Florence was my husband's grandmother the other Richards is no relation.It looks like we'll never know his previous ship but glad to clear up the strange "h" in the name