John (Samuel) Collins (Fireman)

Hi Malcolm,

Interesting story there.


Yes, thankyou, I have a copy of the article including the picture.

Okay, you're welcome.


do you know if there is any way of discovering whether or not he previously worked on the 'Highland Laddie'as stated.

Yes, you could try the National Archives in the UK. Click here for their website. They are a goldmine of information.

Best regards,

Crosschecking with the passenger list, it appears that the folks Mr. Collins attempted to help may have been the Peacocks (mother Edith, and children Alfred and Treasteall). According to Walter Lord's "Night to Remember", Collins was holding a baby and the family was from steerage, so it may have been Alfred Edward that was washed from his arms. Horribly sad.
Just to confirm it was Samuel (John) Collins who attended the dinner in Canada. My grandfather was John (Jack) Collins, (the 17yo Titanic Scullion) and he was working on the S.S. Baron Cochrane at that time.
Back in the latter 1940s,I lived at #9 Marigold Ave. in Toronto. Our nextdoor neighbours had the surname Collins. Mr. Collins was older than my parents and I recall, had two daughters that were probably in their 20s. Mr. Collins was very kind to me as I was just a young boy of 5 or 6. He often took me for walks to Leslie Beach and told me stories of his adventures at sea. Although he never mentioned the Titanic to me, my parents often talked of our neighbor who had survived the Titanic. I presume this is the same Collins, but, we did have another neighbor surnamed Collins that lived on the other side (north) of our immediate neighbor Collins. The families were not related as far as I know. The latter Collins had a rather large family of boys and girls ranging in age of teens to toddlers. This Mr. Collins had been badly burned in a fire on the rollercoaster track at Sunnyside Park at some time and was badly scarred. I don't think this was the Collins that survived Titanic. Does this shed any light on the "Collins Mystery" ??? I would appreciate any comments or info. Thanks.

[Moderator's note: This post, originally posted in the "Guestbook", has been moved to the pre-existing thread referenced below, which is discussing the same crew member. JDT]
Please see my post in the general message board dated Feb. 8/11. I would appreciate any comments on whether I have helped shed any light on the "Collins mystery". My Collins would have been in a very convenient location to the survivors' meeting in Toronto.
Hi, I am originally from Belfast now living in BC, Canada, My Mom was a Collins, her father was Jim Collins, his Father was John Collins, who worked at Harland & Wolf, Lived and died in Belfast, I knew him when I was younger, last time I seen him he and my Great granny where in their 90's, I have a cap Badge from the Canadian Artillery from the first world war which was said to be from the first world war, supposedly from a relative...I had a Great Uncle (Jack Collins, my Grandas Brother) who lived in Toronto, in the 60s- 70's last time I seen him !! Coincidence ??

I know it was been a white since any one posted on this thread, but i have only recently found this site, and it is with great delight that Samuel J Collins was my great great great uncle :)
The family has known for some time that he was on the Titanic, but unsure of how to track down any of his family in the states, as on this side in the UK, there is a lot. i am the 4th generation.

Anyone with any information on Sam would be gratefully received :)
Hi Marie,
I have replied to your private message in some detail, but just to say that the so-called Samuel Collins whose picture figures in many publications is my grandfather 'John Collins' who left his wife and young children to emigrate to Canada. He was born and brought up in Ramsgate, Kent and married my grandmother in 1902
He did eventually get to Canada, came back again during WW1, married another lady and went back for the final time in 1924. I have researched the extensive unknown family over there in the Toronto area and from them received loads of photos to augment the only one I had that my father had given me.
Sorry to disappoint you, but going over there under an alias has caused a lot of confusion
Kind regards,
Malcolm Collins
I have a formal copy of my grandfather's death certificate from the Canadian authorities and it is indeed a large document compared with ours in the UK. It provides all sorts of incidental information such as where he last worked and for how long, where he is to be buried, etc., but no clinical data as to the exact cause of death. I hope to establish this from other sources
Hello Malcolm. Not sure if this is the right thing to be doing, but I am trying to see how you are related to Samuel/John Collins, and if you know of any of his brothers and sisters that he may of had in England.I am the Great Great Granddaughter of Elizabeth Collins, who was born in 1900 who's dad I think was Richard Collins, who could have been a brother or cousin to Samuel.I would really love to hear from you, so that i can carry on in the right direction with the family tree.Yours faithfully.Marie Cook
I have now obtained an official copy of my grandfather's 'Medical Certificate of Death' from the Ontario authorities which details the exact cause of death. Malcolm Collins