John (Samuel) Collins (Fireman)


Hi Marie,
I have replied to your private message in some detail, but just to say that the so-called Samuel Collins whose picture figures in many publications is my grandfather 'John Collins' who left his wife and young children to emigrate to Canada. He was born and brought up in Ramsgate, Kent and married my grandmother in 1902
He did eventually get to Canada, came back again during WW1, married another lady and went back for the final time in 1924. I have researched the extensive unknown family over there in the Toronto area and from them received loads of photos to augment the only one I had that my father had given me.
Sorry to disappoint you, but going over there under an alias has caused a lot of confusion
Kind regards,
Malcolm Collins

For those interested in the final resting place of my grandfather, I have at last received the Medical Certificate of Death from the Ontario authorities. He died in the Sunnybrook hospital in 1950 on the 28th September and an autopsy was performed to discover the true cause of death
Malcolm Collins
I have been tracing my family tree and I believe this man to be my Grandmother's Uncle. My Great-Grandmother, Elizabeth Woodcock (nee Collins) is this man's brother. I know nothing about her, or her family in Belfast. She met, married and lived with her husband Patrick Woodcock in Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. My Grandmother, also Elizabeth was born in 1909. Any info appreciated.
I am trying to track down any family, of Samuel Collins/ John Collins, Who is my Great Great Uncle. If Malcolm Collins could possibly get in touch.. I would love to hear,,, thankyou
Hello Malcolm.. I have been doing a family tree of the collins/Jackson family, and it is my belief that Samuel Collins, and my Great Grans Dad were brothers. Could you please leave a message or contact me, as we would love to know the rest of the family and your whereabouts... Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Hello Kerry, I have my grandfather's Medical Certificate Of Death now all written in scratchy handwriting but clear enough. The cause of death is recorded as 'Carcinoma of Stomach' which he'd had for 5 months. There was an autopsy which basically confirms the cancer which had also also spread to the lymph nodes. I hope he didn't suffer too much. Kind regards, Malcolm Collins
This is my grandfather...he was known as Jack. His three children were Benjamin, Hugh and Mary, who was born in 1928 April 23rd, died 2011 in Spain. I am her second daughter. As my grandfather was only 17 at the time, I wondered if he was the 'Jack' in the film.