Girlfriend Kathleen Bex

Many biographies of Jack Phillips mention a girlfriend named Kathleen (or Kitty) Bex, but they don't go into much detail. Did the two have a very close relationship? It likely would have been difficult since he was away working much of the time. Did he send her any postcards? I understand that there were a number of alleged "fiancees" who came forward after the disaster, so there must be something that distinguishes her as genuine.

And what happened to her later in life? In the Surrey Life article, John Young mentions that his grandparents used to live next to her in Farncombe, so I assume she stayed there.
Was it true that he also was in love with Beatrice Fallon when his parents wanted him to marry Kathleen Bex? Thanks!
Thank you so much!!!! I guess Beatrice and the others are unknown, but thank you gratefully for that information!
I recently stumbled upon this site - htm - which has a photo of a 2-year-old Kathleen Bex with her mother. (From all the details, I'm sure it's the same person who is alleged to be Jack Phillips' girlfriend.) It lists her marriage date to Henry Merritt as 1919. She was about seven years younger than Jack Phillips, so she would've been about 18 in 1912.

I would still like to know the source that identifies her as Phillips' girlfriend. Is it just a family rumour or was it written down somewhere? Also, as an aside, does anyone know whether any books about Jack Phillips and/or Harold Bride are truly going to be published in the near future? Several people have said they are "working on" books over the years, so I'd love to see one published in time for the 100th anniversary of the sinking!
Kitty Bex and Beatrice Fallon were just two of several ladies who claimed 'an understanding' with Jack after his death. Their links to him are all via family folklore and not documentary evidence. You may be interested to know that Godalming museum are planning a major new exhibition about Jack which is being officially opened on March 9th next year and will run for three months. The ladies in his life are among many aspects of his life and career before Titanic that will be covered and some of the story will be told in his own words. As for a Phillips book, well yes, I have been working on one for almost 17 years (! I know, I know!)But, as I won't be finished in time for next year, I am providing a lot of my research to the Museum for the new exhibition. The Phillips Memorial Park is also undergoing a major renovation in time for the centenary, so Godalming will be well worth a visit next year.
P.S Hi Senan! You are getting a credit in the Channel Island Titanic book as promised - launching 9th December
Many thanks for all the info! I had a feeling that these "engagement" claims were more rumour than fact. Maintaining a close relationship with someone would likely have been quite hard considering all the travelling Jack Phillips did.

The exhibit at the Godalming Museum sounds great; hopefully I'll be able to make it there while the exhibit is open. Good luck with your book. I really appreciate those who put so much effort into research and share it with those of us who don't have the time or resources.
Sounds great! Our JackxBeatrice book is now in full swing! I just don't think I've got the beginning quite right.....
Hi everyone. I’m fascinated by Jack Phillips’ heroic actions during the sinking of Titanic. Today I saw this thread and I remembered a book that I’ve read on Phillips’s biography. Its name is “Godalming Museum Jack Phillips and the Titanic Jack FAQs”. In this book, the author says that Jack had numerous girlfriends, including Kitty Bex, Alice Beesley, Beatrice Fallon, a WSL stewardess and a mysterious “Miss M.” woman. So , I was wondering, all these women were indeed his girlfriends or all this story of engagements and courtships is just based on allegations?
only from 2 i knows. one hes parents want to marry her one he loved or was friends