Grand staircase

At the Mercado in Florida they have a replica Grand Staircase, and they say it is the exact size as the original. But if you look at some pictures of it you can tell is about 3/4 the size. Especially if you compare it with James Cameron's version he built for the movie. What do you think?


The Grand Stair Case is smaller in person than you might think. Cameron found the original dimensions too small for a good show, so he increased the size by about 10% in some directions to give the impression of additional spaciousness.

Bill Sauder
I noticed that the actual stairs of the Grand Staircase in Cameron's film are slightly wider than they are in library photos.
Hi Jaime,

According to the The Shipbuilder (pg 69- passenger accomondation) it states:

"The forward main staircase is situated between the first and second funnels from forward, and extends from the middle to the boat decks, with large entrance halls at each level . It is over 60 ft in height and 16 ft wide."

Hope this helps,

What about the aft 1st Class staircase? I know it is 2 decks shorter but is the height and width the same as the forward one?
from the copy of the First Class Accommodation Map i have - the size of the Grand Staircase compared to that of the Aft Staircase is quite larger, considering the Grand Staircase had 3 elevators and a larger foyer area.
Really, the Aft Staircase would not have been used as much as the Grand, due to the fact there was no access to the Boat Deck from it.
It incorporated the same design, with smaller foyers. The dome topping the staircase was round, whereas the forward staircase was oval-shaped. The aft GSC had a clock set in a simple square design, and only served three decks.
There are plenty of Aft Grand Staircase photos floating about, some Olympic some Titanic. There are however, no known photos of the Titanic's Forward Grand Staircase, all of the images of that area like so many other First Class areas attributed to the Titanic are actually of the Olympic.

Best Regards,

Hi Brian!

You wrote: There are plenty of Aft Grand Staircase photos floating about, some Olympic some Titanic

Can you point to any specific Titanic photos?


Best regards,

>>There are plenty of Aft Grand Staircase photos floating about, some Olympic some Titanic. There are however, no known photos of the Titanic's Forward Grand Staircase<<
Odd, isn't it, I though the forward Grand Staircase would draw all the attention away from the aft one, yet no known picture survives today.