Happy Birthday Millvina Dean (February 2)

Oh my gosh. Such a joyous day. I hope you enjoyed it to it's fullest Miss Millvina. We all owe you tribute and gratitutde. You've represented the honor of our ship better than could have been expected of you. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
You are an inspiration.
-kate bortner
I had the honour and pleasure of meeting Millvina on July 20th in Southampton. She signed three of my books and I got a few pictures with her which I will always cherish. She is a very sweet and wonderful lady.

Best regards,

Hi, Mike here.. New to the board. Been a Titanic buff for many years and a collector or Titanic memorabilla.. Have a question which I am hoping someone can answer.. Wanting to send a letter to Millvina Dean and would anyone know of an address to which I could send this letter?? You can e-mail me at [email protected] It will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Mike
Just a reminder, to everyone: next Sunday, FEBRUARY 2nd, please take time to raise a special toast to one terrific lady.

Millvina Dean will be 91 years old.

"Although I dont like champagne, I think juice will do."

Whatever beverage of choice it is, we can all wish Millvina "CHEERS!!!" & "Best Wishes!!", on her very special day.