Helen Loraine Allison/Kramer - Survivor TITANIC Mystery

I'll just repost what I have posted on the THS forum:

It is interesting how when people start getting restless and asking for updates that suddenly Ms. Woods posts yet another item stating that she will reveal all in time with her book. Questioning from the forum group that she originally courted is what is now causing her to not participate in the forum. Except, for someone who is not participating, she does come back and post when people get riled up. What a cat and mouse game!

The answer is very simple: Ms. Woods says that she will not participate in this forum anymore, and to wait for her to publish. Therefore, that is what we should all do.

We should just stop paying attention to this thread and move on. If something ever gets published we will certainly see it out there in the marketplace, and we can then all respond to something tangible.

I suspect, however, that this story will just fade away, as it did in the 1940's. Especially if everyone stops getting sucked into the rhetoric.
Sorry for my bad English and for the skepticism, but I have 2 basical questions:

1) Why all this story emerged in the anniversary year only?

and 2) What was the reason for the probable "Loraine" to stay in the shadow after her miraculous escape from the Titanic (knowing that she's declared lost in all the lists & books)?...

UPDATE Feb/2013

Hi All and Happy New Year....

I wanted to state here that I am about to sign the (credible) publishing deal that I have been waiting all this time to secure...thus the book(s) regarding this story absolutely WILL be forthcoming. Further, I am being contacted by the producers of various VERY popular TV shows whoses hosts have taken a personal interest and by others in the media, who are very eager to delve into this story with me and bring it to a more public awareness.

Much NEW information in support of this claim has come to the forefront......
So KNOW that I am even MORE committed to bringing this mystery's TRUE details to light and in essence set the detractors to shame!!!!

As seen here, some of the behaviors exhibited toward this story have been unconscionable, unwarranted and once our actual documentation is presented publicly, hope to be portrayed as shameful....I (AND OTHERS) are well documenting these individuals and their (feeble) attempts to thwart my progress in this mission as well, as they too, are now part of the story and will be portrayed, as will those who have championed us.

NOTE: I have the (simple) answers to the age discrepancy and other paltry theory's they use to dispel this claim.
ALL will come to light soon enough...with both the forth coming publishing agreement and a production contract I will have the time and funds available to me finally to tie up more loose ends and thrust this story no matter what popular (unpopular) opinions may exist.
THIS STORY IS ABSOLUTLY GOING TO BE (finally) TOLD.....and will NOT EVER "be fading away".

Otherwise, I send along my best wishes to all who HAVE reserved opinions and have great gratitude for your past support of this endeavor and state that my mother is well, though (mildly) diminishing and that we could not be more happy in our new surroundings.
Sincere regards,
The Last Titanic Mystery - Home
Note: my publishing deal is two part...
#1 I will definitively, be writing the story MY way from OUR voice!!!!!!!
#2 we will also publish a second companion vehicle with all our/the documentation for others should they desire, to explore and further elaborate upon.
OK in the true spirit to which I entered into these forums almost a year ago and to be fair, to others caught up innocently in all this "controversy" ... I have cut/copied the CHAPTERS posted by "unregistered" and a few others and once they have all been reviewed by me (and my team) we might, elect to attempt to dispell some of their more than faulty accusations and statements. As stated ALL will come out soon enough anyway and then YOU ALL can make your own conclusions.
oh, and I just saw over 7,000 visitors to the Titanic Hystorical Society Forum so I would say that there is quite a bit of interest in regard to the release of new information as regards this story.
Yesterday (2/03/2013) Allison Adele Dantzler came to visit me and her Aunt "Dolly" (My Mom). NOTE: Allison is the Daughter of Patricia Julie Kramer/Gould my moms sister. She physically saw and reviewed all the binders and compelling documents WE have and believe she is now united with us in our passion to stay the course and see this saga through!
NEW Comparison PHOTOS

New Comparison PHOTOS are now posted at:

The Last Titanic Mystery - Home

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Postcard 2013.jpg


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Titanics Last Mystery UPDATE

To All........Please refer to The Last Titanic Mystery - Home for as much current information, prior to publication, as possible.

NOTE to date:
* I have completed EXTENSIVE and quite costly DNA Testing
* Next month a team of museum and historical professionals are coming to OFFICALLY REVIEW all compiled documentation and then make a public determination and announcement which we have every expectation WILL BE IN SUPPORT!
* I will be completing the Novel/Screenplay this summer to be followed by the HISTORICAL tome of my/the actual journey of discovery in all the principles actual voices, from the extensive here-to-fore publicly unavailable documentation we have uncovered.
* I have the COMPLETE SUPPORT of some Principle Allison and Daniel's (Bess Allison family) descendants who have also provided game changing and VERY COMPELLING documentation in support of this story.
* We are reviewing many feature film/television/documentary production offers already.

All I have ever asked is for patience, that I be allowed to get it all RIGHT once and for all...Popular or not, the TRUTH will be told in is entirety finally, after 101 years soon.
Sincere regards to ALL who have maintained an honest interest in my grandmothers tragic story and withheld judgements, until ALL the facts can be presented once we publish.
Debrina Woods
Titanic Postcard 2.jpg

Titanic Postcard 2.jpg
The OFFICIAL Museum Review of Documentation, the determination, followed by a soon to be scheduled public announcement, which we have every reason to expect will be in support, is scheduled for MAY 8-9th 2013.

101 years for this story to be told in its TRUTH and entirety....
It has been a difficult road to travel with much resistance from the few who have MUCH to HIDE as well as the many who were too invested in faulty public information to accept any other truth than their own. But I have always approached this saga "without prejudice" and will continue to, now this close to the TRUTH finally being revealed.

BEST news is that principle Allison descendants have agreed to open the tomb to allow me to place granny's ashes with her father and brother after a 101 year separation! Which we are hoping will take place in Winchester next spring.

Thanks be to ALL who have given support. Over 500,000 visits to my web site in just short of a year!
NOTE: I will be sequestered the next six months finishing the book and screenplay NOTE: The heretofore never before published photographs of all the principles involved will be an amazing gift for those with comittied interest in this story and we look forward to sharing the discovery of this incredible historical 101 year old saga both in real time and in the voices of the principles back in the day with everyone who has been touched by TITANICS LAST MYSTERY.
Thank you. Debrina Woods /Web site: The Last Titanic Mystery - Home
"BEST news is that principle Allison descendants have agreed to open the tomb to allow me to place granny's ashes with her father and brother after a 101 year separation! Which we are hoping will take place in Winchester next spring."

Who exactly did this permission come from?

And exactly what are the DNA results?
Hi, Debrina,
What are the DNA results? I am really interested about your story, because I'm interested about the Allison family for many years ago, so please, tell us the truth. It is a very serious thing, and a lot of people waiting for your answers. It won't be problem, if your informations were false, we only want to know the truth about the 'last Titanic mistery'. I spent many times on your website, and the pictures are awesome and really promising, I saw the similarity, and I hope that your infos are true. I am from Budapest, Hungary, so you have to know, that a lot of people all around the world want to know the truth about your grandmother. Please do not dispossess us from the truth, because it's really unsettling for the 'fans' of the Titanic (and Allison family too).
Thank you for sharing your informations with us, please share more for us.
I wish all the best to you and your family.