Kate Buss

2nd class passenger Kate Buss was my mother's aunt.I will put together some information for your web site in due course.I have a letter written on Titanic headed notepaper that she wrote to her father the day before the ship sank.I am also seeking to contact her descendants in the USA to add further information to my Buss family tree.

Bob Smith
Hey! I'm actually here for a research project at school. I'm researching the life of Kate Buss on the Titanic. It's actually very interesting. I'm a Freshmen in High School, and we're going to Memphis on April 16 to see the exibit there. My uncle also lives in Memphis.

Lauren Shores
Jackson, MS
In the biography about Kate Buss on this site, one of the things mentioned is that she wrote home that John Wesley Woodward smiled at her at the end of each song played. With 3 cellists on board (Woodward, Roger Bricoux, and Percy Taylor,who of course also acted as pianist), how was she able to specifically identify the one who smiled at her as Woodward?
On board Titanic there were two ensembles: a salon quintet of two violins (Hartley and Hume), cello (Woodward), bass (Clarke) and piano (probably Taylor), and, additionally, the trio playing exclusively in the reception room outside the A la carte Restaurant and Café Parisien: violin - Belgian Georges Krins -, cello - French Roger Bricoux -, and piano - probably Theodore Brailey. This is not verified, but most plausible, because both, Roger Bricoux and Theodore Brailey, had previously served on the Cunard liner Carpathia, together with violinist Edgar Heap. Theodore Brailey must have been accustomed to his French-speaking colleague, so why should they have separated, particularly because French was also the native language of violinist Georges Krins. Ensemble members like to stick together, when they have grown accustomed to each other.

I'm an amateur musicologist doing some private research in turn-of-the-century "Palm Court" music and very interested in this aspect of Titanic's history. I am convinced that Percy Taylor, who was a pianist - and is in some sources called a cellist (additionally?) -, did only play the piano(s) aboard the Titanic and not a cello. A salon quintet consisting of two violins, two celli and a bass might be, to put it mildly, very, very unusual. Two "high" and three "low" strings, what a sound! If you had no piano, but a cello and a bass, the fifth instrument usually was a third violin or a viola, or sometimes a woodwind (flute, clarinet), but not a second cello. Many string players are also pianists, but even if Percy Taylor was both, a pianist and a cellist, he would have left his cello at home.

So the cellist having smiled at Kate probably was John Woodward. And why shouldn't the have introduced themselves to each other?
I believe you are correct that Brailey was in the Restaurant Trio and Taylor with Hartley's quintet. Both men were pianists, the only publication I can recall that places Taylor as a cellist is "Triumph and Tragedy", which does have it's share of other errors; all other period sources I've seen list Taylor as a pianist.
Chris Dohany
Sorry I didn't notice your note before. I'm interested in Kate Buss because she ended up in my home state of California. In case you're not aware of it, Brian Ticehurst published a paper on her. Let me know if you don't know how to get it.
Mike Herbold
Hi everyone!
Kate Buss traveled on the Titanic's board as second class passenger. She survived sinking and went to California where she married Samuel Willis on May 1912. They had one daughter. What is her name? Lillian? Sybil?
Does she still alive?
Brian Ticehurst wrote a 14 page booklet entitled "Titanic Passenger Miss Kate Buss of Sittingbourne, Kent" which may interest you. It's probably still available. If you are a BTS member, check the ads in the ADB.
I am sorry Graham,
There is no relation. Kate married after the Titanic accident and was renamed Kate Willis so any relation would have to be with her upbringing. I am afraid there is none though.
All Ahead Full!
Shane, it's true that after her marriage and name change Kate would have no direct descendants called Buss. But she had two brothers and possibly also uncles on her father's side. Any of these could provide a line of descent (retaining the name Buss) by which Graham could be related to Kate. We can say that we don't know of a connection, but not that there certainly isn't one.

[Moderator's Note: Three separate threads, plus a stray message originally posted to an unrelated thread, have been combined here. MAB]