the titanic was a great loss and painful moment for all those passengers abourd the titanic. Today people are still greiving and weaping to get to know a person who died on the titanic but will never get the chance to for the day they lost them. The one person we cant forget rosa abbott was a great conpanion and leader she fought and was one of the many who survived the titanic but died many years later and as for her two boys they died the night of the titanic wreck but rosa was never able to let go of the fact she lost her boys and they both died alone.
For rosa to be the one of many to survive the titanic wreck it is truly amazing. Rosa abbott will always live on in our memories, because she can never be forgoten.
LOVE HER!!! :) I am even using this account and information on her for my 'Inspirational Women' English project. If you look up inspirational in the Dictionary, her face is there.
Rosa Abbott's boys must have been her whole life.  They were together the whole time and she tried to keep them safe right up to the end, but she was the only one to get saved by being taken into a boat that had come close to them.  Her sons sadly died in the freezing cold of the North Atlantic and it is very sad to lose a child, a grief that no-one should have to endure: let alone to lose both sons.  Had more of the boats come back, a few more people could have been brought from the water alive, may-be her sons could have been saved, but the majority of those in command of the boats were too cowardly to do so.  Two boats came back; and by then it was too late.  Had the boats been filled in the first place, and families placed in them together, as they came up to the decks, then another 750 people would have lived.  That makes these stories all the more sad and all the more human; a terrible grief for a mother to have to bear. Rosa Abbott and the women that lost husbands and children that night are the true heroes of this tragedy.  May they and their loved ones rest in peace.  YNWA
Rosa Abbott and her two sons should have been given priority seats in a lifeboat as they were women and children and it should not have been a choice of her own survival, hers alone or none. Regardless of class, more women and children should have and could have been saved. Such a tragic loss. And her own sufferings were terrible: she was almost killed by the cold and her loss shaped her life afterwards. A brave lady.
They are putting together two people. Rhoda Abbott and two children and Rosa Aboy which was with her niece in third class. That is the problem. I actually met the child Aboy. Her name was Carmen Aboy de Valldejuli. She is so traumatized she never allowed her children to buy bathing suits or go to the ocean and has a 10 foot cement wall on her back yard ( close to the sea) so she never sees it. I actually saw the original passenger list and a drop of water fell on the last name only showin AB...they asumed it was Abbot or abbey.

Pat Cook, if you still look in here, that was a great article.

I was sent an email this morning inviting me to come back to these forums again. It's been a long time since I last posted, but I found (which somehow I had missed the first time round) a thread which interested me:

As I explained when I posted some links to the letters Lightoller had written for the Christian Science Sentinel, all past periodicals have now been transcribed and are online, so while I was visiting, I thought I'd post a link to Beesley's Titanic experience too.

It would be impossible within a limited space to do more...

During the 100th anniversary of the sinking, there was an interesting article published in a newspaper by Beesley's granddaughter. I'll see if I can find it.

I like the new format of these forum pages - clean and spacious.