Lightoller as a father

Hello Sarah. You are right that there is not much information on Claire. Although I am not sure she died in 2004 - what is your source? Most genealogical websites date her death to 1994.

As for more information on her, well I am sure you probably already know this but Claire's married name was Rowe and her daughter Louise Rowe, became Lady Louise Patten who later wrote a book expounding an erroneous concept that a steering error caused the Titanic disaster. So it is rather a dubious legacy she has left I am afraid.

There is a short biography here: Titanic's Officers - RMS Titanic - Second Officer C.H.Lightoller
And a detailed article on Patten here: Titanic's Officers - Articles - A Steering Error?

You are probably right about the death date. lists her death year at 1994. My short google search gave me 2004 for some reason. If she truly passed away in 1994 then she wasn’t able to watch the 1997 movie and therefore couldn’t give any impressions.

Both daughters died in the 1990s which ist still long after the other members of the close family passed away. I wonder what stories they held and kept to themselves about Officer Lightoller and the Titanic. Disappointing that Lady Louise Patten used her position and family to spread wrong claims, instead of actually contributing valuable information..
If she truly passed away in 1994 then she wasn’t able to watch the 1997 movie and therefore couldn’t give any impressions.
The only son or daughter of a Titanic officer that I know of that did watch the 1997 movie was fifth officer Lowe his son Harold William George born, and his reactions on his portrayal on his father are known. He died in 1998 sadly.