Glad to help, Seumas.

There was a Mike Harris who was involved with Jack Grimm's expeditions to discover the wreck. Is this Harris the same bloke who was involved with the hostile takeover or just a co-incidence ?

No coincidence, it is the same person.

Just to give you a bit more insight into the takeover, it was probably planned and orchestrated 3-6 months in advance. Shares were bought in small increments over a few months. George had no idea what was going on behind his back and was totally blindsided by it.

As well, the rogue expedition took place in November 2002; not 2004. Pardon me, I got my dates mixed up. A porthole (which is now in Germany), possibly small pieces of the hull (there is no proof on that, but that is what is believed) and quite a bit of coal were removed. After that, it's anyone guess. The coal is being sold on the black market and Dik Barton, has profited from it.

Something I just remembered from one of those Discovery docs was that Tulloch took his son along on one or two expeditions to the wreck. He'll be a grown man now of course, but it must have been very tough to lose his Dad at such a young age.
Matthew Tulloch, yes. I have no doubt how hard it must have been for him.
Thanks Jason.

Very sad reading when all is considered. That's disgraceful conduct from Barton, and he had the cheek to talk in documentaries about how much he cared about the ship and the story of those who were aboard her.

Did you ever have any contact with Jack Grimm when he was still alive ?
That's disgraceful conduct from Barton, and he had the cheek to talk in documentaries about how much he cared about the ship and the story of those who were aboard her.
Yes I agree, it is. Barton has made $250,000 US by selling pieces of coal and fragments of a bollard. They are being sold by a well known memorabilia dealer.
Did you ever have any contact with Jack Grimm when he was still alive ?
No I didn't. I was not aware of Jack Grimm and his involvement with Titanic, until years after I first became interested in the ship and her story. Unfortunately by then, it was too late. I would have enjoyed speaking with him, but the good thing is he did write a book on his experiences.
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Yes I agree, it is. Barton has made $250,000 US by selling pieces of coal and fragments of a bollard. They are being sold by a well known memorabilia dealer.

No I didn't. I was not aware of Jack Grimm and his involvement with Titanic, until years after I first became interested in the ship and her story. Unfortunately by then, it was too late. I would have enjoyed speaking with him, but the good thing is he did write a book on his experiences.
Pieces of coal. Maybe that's where the author got the thousands of artifacts from. I certainly hope so. Would hate to see other artifacts hidden away because they were looted. Cheers.
I'm not sure who or what you're referring to.
The author of the article I posted said thousands of artifacts have been looted from Titanic. I was wondering if he included all the chunks of coal that were recovered in the thousands number. I don't really have a problem with anyone picking up some coal. It's just coal after all. But I was shocked to see that coal was going today for $162 a ton. In 2011 when we closed the power plant we were paying $20 a ton. Cheers.
The author of the article I posted said thousands of artifacts have been looted from Titanic.
Oh, I see now. Interesting article, but that doesn't tell the whole story. The 5,500 artifacts that have been recovered since 1987 have been recovered legally. As I stated earlier none of the collection, (there is a French collection and an American one) have been sold on the black market as RMS Titanic Inc., was repeatedly denied by the federal court in Virginia, to sell them as piecemeal. The only artifacts that have been salvaged and sold illegally (and continue to be), are the ones from the rogue expedition in November 2002.

I was wondering if he included all the chunks of coal that were recovered in the thousands number.
Your guess is as good as mine.
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Oh, I see now. Interesting article, but that doesn't tell the whole story. The 5,500 artifacts that have been recovered since 1987 have been recovered legally. As I stated earlier none of the collection, (there is a French collection and an American one) have been sold on the black market as RMS Titanic Inc., was repeatedly denied by the federal court in Virginia, to sell them as piecemeal. The only artifacts that have been salvaged and sold illegally (and continue to be), are the ones from the rogue expedition in November 2002.

Your guess is as good as mine.
Thanks for the info. I had seen it mentioned before but wasn't really up on the possible illegal salvage. I went and looked for info and found some old articles. They don't say too much but I wasn't aware that as part of their salvage rights RMS Titanic INC is responsible for policing the wreck site. Not sure how they could keep watch on it 24/7. Cheers.

Thanks for the info. I had seen it mentioned before but wasn't really up on the possible illegal salvage. I went and looked for info and found some old articles. They don't say too much but I wasn't aware that as part of their salvage rights RMS Titanic INC is responsible for policing the wreck site. Not sure how they could keep watch on it 24/7. Cheers.
You're welcome. It is very tough to police the North Atlantic.