Pirates at the Wreck

Not that I'm aware of. Something appears to have happened, but there haven't been any developments since...which doesn't surprise me if the development that somebody is looking for is another expedition. The conditions in that part of the North Atlantic can and often are downright melevolant so there's only a small window of opportunity...say about three months...where diving operations can be safely carried out.

As this tends to be in the summertime, if anyone goes out there this year, it'll have to be fairly soon.
I'm kind of wondering what happened to all this, as if I recall correctly, there were supposed to have been some arrests made. Has anyone else heard anything? Michael's post was last July - surely SOMETHING has happened since?
If it has, nobody's advertising. That or the media doesn't really care a whole lot about it. They got their headlines and if anything came up afterwards, they probably said "It's been covered" and moved on to other things of much greater import.

Like Brittney Spears 55 hour long marraige!
If I hear one more story about Britney at the expense of something that really matters, I think I'll go stark raving loony tunes. I hope there's somebody out there that has some reliable information on this piracy thing who's willing to share it.

Any takers for that???
I suppose this is the wrong moment to mention that Jill and I were in Hollywood at the time of the unveiling of her Star on the Boulevard, Mike? We got some great photos of the ceremony in the background and me making some gagging gestures in the foreground...Jill thought it was a riotous twist of fate that I was there for the recognition of a person for whom I have such regard [\sarcasm].

There is more information about the piracy issue known to individuals in the Titanic community. I learned some surprising things discussing it with folks privately and off-line who are in a position to know more about it. However, for very understandable reasons they're reluctant to post what they know on a public messageboard. Needless to say, they are not without a sense of outrage and disgust at what has been occured. It might have faded from immediate media interest, but they are keenly conscious of these events and the forces behind them.
I hope you and Jill didn't lose your lunch after seeing that little Hollywood soiree, Inger.

Regards the rest, I'd just like to know if law enforcement is actually on the job or if they're still asleep at the switch on this one. You can e-mail me about it if there's something you don't mind sharing privately that you don't want to put out here for everybody to see. It'll go in my famous "SUICIDE BEFOR READING" file.