Memorials left on the wreck


As for the forward bow (Capstan) and stern (fairlead roller) memorial plaques left by Dr. Ballard, you can trust assured they are still in place. The overhead mosaic, a Paul Mathias/RMSTI/IFREMER creation will attest to this. Bearing in mind the images were captured by NAUTILE previous to the scheduled '98 tourist visit. A wreck student with keen eye can clearly distinquish both of the plaques resting where Ballard w/Alvin left them in '86.

Additionally...the Ruissian/IMAX expediton left a memorial at the base of the bridge telemotor, having been placed there by National Geographic's contract photographer (Also member of Dr. Ballard's '85 discovery team) Emory Kristof, a splendid *color* photograph of this memorial can be seen on page 229 of an NG release....honoring the photographers of NG.

I was left dismayed with the blatent rumors that RMSTI had stolen a memorial plaque. Really, give 'em a break. Not one of the aquisations
made in haste, during Tulloch's tenure with RMSTI carried a single grain of concrete evidence!! Kinda like cutting off a section of the Vietnam Memorial Wall...

...really makes no sense at all.

Michael Cundiff
Dear Mr Cundiff,

Do you know who left a bunch of plastic flowers on the bridge of the wreck during one of the expeditions?
OK, the thought is nice, honouring the ones who perished that night, but Plastic flowers!!!
-I mean, come on!
By now they look quite sad, wouldn't it have been more suitable to use real flowers that could have just disappeared instead of some tacky plastic pins for ever laying there?

Yours truly,
Hello Lars:

First I must extend my greetings to your participation on the ET forum.

In a fitting manner, roses (It really makes no difference the nature of flower species) were left at the base of the bridge telemotor. I believe it was by the '92 Russsian Imax venture.
It makes sense in my eyes to option for plastic as opposed to actual. For as the TITANIC wreck and it's surroundings test the passage of time, the plastic will endure longer, as perhaps a token of honoring the dead by an expedition which came to pay homage to the victims of this tragedy,
and capture breathtaking images to stand for all-time.

It is really not much different than the IIP (International Ice Patrol) casting wreaths (On behalf of THS and other) over the sight annually, marking the tragical event which began to playout at 11:40 p.m. the
fourteenth of April...nineteen hundred and twelve.

Michael Cundiff
Carson City, NV
Hello Mr Cundiff,
thank you for your greetings!
According to the plastic flowers I think it depends on cultural differences. Here in Sweden, for example, it's not that common or suitable to put plastic flowers on graves.
As you said, the plastic roses will lay there for quite some time, perhaps even longer than Titanic herself, to commemorate the ones who perished that night.
I get the point even though I would use som real flowers.
Yours truly,