Millvina Dean coming to United States


According to Brian T, of BTS who spoke with Mellvina this weekend during a visit to her home, Brian, posted her comments on another thread and Titanic-list.

According to Mellvina Dean "SHE" is not coming to the United States for this gathering in Maryland or any others anytime soon.

She will not be traveling due to the hip injury she received as result of her run in with a revolving door last year.

If someone could find the comments on the other thread please post a link.
It looks like Nolan has a lot of explaining to do. Before I booked, I was assured by two people in the organization, including Nolan, that she would be there. It's hard to believe that such a prestigious firm could do something like this. But thank you for making the truth known. Hopefully I can see Millvina at the BTS convention next year.

Hi James,

Yes, Millvina will be at the BTS Convention (all being well!) she can travel short distances but overseas is now beyond her.

I think the problem stems from the fact that Millvina at first told the organizers that she would go and only realised that she was not up to the journey quite recently. She didn't want to disapoint people, which is typical of her.

Hi Geoff,

Thank you for clearing this up. I think I'm starting to understand what happened but I'm puzzled why Nolan hasn't announced anything yet. I suppose he will soon. I wish Millvina all the best.

Just returned today from Southampton - Millvina is not going to the Washington Convention - for certain. It loks as though she has told the agents here in England but the message has not been passed on.

Thanks Geoff for clearing this matter up. Millvina deserves a rest. She has done so much to bring the Titanic story alive to people. I hope she just relaxes and enjoys the coming spring.
I read somewhere that in 1997, Millvina Dean boarded the Queen Elizabeth 2 to finish what she started 85 years earlier; Finish her family's migration to America. Her father had planned for them to move to Wichita, Kansas, to get into farming. But, for most widowed families from the Titanic, the dream of a new life in America died with their husbands, and most of the surviving families returned to England.
Millvina made the visit of the town she would have, could have, and should have called home. She said that she would have been proud to be an American, and knew that her brother Bertram would have felt the same. When she saw the property her father was planning to buy, she almost started crying.
Hello Christian,

Actually Millvina's family was bound for Kansas City, Missouri. Not too far from where I grew up, in fact. The August 18, 1997 issue of the Kansas City Star has an article about her visit.

Christian, I was on that particular QE2 crossing, August 7th - 13th, 1997; a group of us, from the Titanic Historical Society, accompanied Millvina, and her companion, Bruno, on that trip. We had a great time, and I later wrote a short tale, "Barley's QE2 Story", which re-told the story about the excursion: I used a fictional character, a little dog, as the main character (from a stuffed animal I had purchased for my nephew who, at that time, was about to celebrate his first birthday). I shared the story with the people who were on the crossing; Millvina said "I could read it again and again".

Millvina truly enjoyed herself on that trip, including being part of a panel discussion about the Titanic, and James Cameron's film, which had not yet been released.

We also saw some of the New York sites, before Millvina flew off to the Kansas City area. Her host, Mike Rudd, was the one who arranged that Excursion, as well as the six Titanic Heritage Tours, and the 1996 & 2001 Conventions.

BTW, while Millvina was in Kansas City, she also got to see some of the places involved in the story of outlaw Jesse James; a year-and-a-half later I mailed her a copy, from the Smithsonian Postal Museum, a "Wanted: Dead or Alive: Jesse James" poster recreation.

That was Millvina's next to last trip to the United States: she came to the THS Convention, in APril 1998, at Springfield, but missed the 1999 Denver Convention. Her last trip to North America was in September-October 1999, when she and Bruno attended Heritage Tour VI: instead of being on the QE2's trip from New York to Quebec City, Millvina and Bruno flew to Montreal, and someone drove them up to Quebec City, where they met the QE2 tour group the next day. The three of us were the only ones who passed on the QE2 portion of that Tour: I had arrived in Quebec City earlier that day, as I caught a flight from Dorval Airport to Jean LeSage (we received an additional night's stay at the Chateau Frontenac Hotel).

It was after those trips Millvina realized that, due to her age, and problems that occured after a fall that occured when coming out of a revolving door, her days of traveling long distances were over.

I usually send Millvina a postcard, or 200, (
) (
) whenever I travel.