Millvina Dean Titanic Survivor

Miss Millvina Dean
Southampton - Sunday, 04 September 2005
Millvina phoned me this morning to keep in touch and she sounded very bright and chirpy and very with it.
Her leg is now almost fully healed from the argument that she had with a revolving door in the Marlands Centre in Southampton but now the same leg has swelled up and she is almost immobile again.
She asked me to send her best regards and good wishes to all her friends and acquaintances which I now do.
Millvina has another problem in that some 'thoughtless' person has posted her full postal address on the Net and she is, and has been, inundated with mail from all over the world with people wanting her signature and signed photos and many such requests which she is unable to meet.
She asked me to try to get her address removed from the Net - sadly with my limited knowledge I have been unable to find out where it is - so please if anyone knows, please let me know and I will approached the web master or whatever and try to get it off.
Very best regards
My best regards and good wishes to Miss Dean. She does not know me, but she has them all the same. My left leg has been aching for almost a year. It's no thrill.

May whoever posted her address get it off the net soon. I knew a celebrity very slightly. A gracious man, but the requests for autographs did bother him. Sometimes his irritation spilled over on those who wished only to send their regards.
I've contacted Brian about this. I have a fair idea what has happened. It will be hard to put the genie back into the bottle. Meanwhile, please leave Millvina in peace.
Brian, thanks for the update. Its always great to hear news about Millvina.

To the thoughtless person who posted her address on the Net: "Shame on you"!!
This is especially sad, considering the many times that many of us have advised others NOT to try and contact her, nor Ms. West or Ms. Asplund, the other remaining Titanic survivors.

I hate to say this, but as many of us have sent Birthday Wishes to Millvina, on this site, over the last few years, it may be more stressful this time, as she may be inundated with cards and telegrams this coming February.

I do hope that Millvina's neighbors are all helping her monitor the mail, to confiscate cards and letters from people she does not know.

I concur with both Brian and Dave: if you do not know Millvina, personally, please leave her alone. She deserves her privacy!!!
While it is frowned upon in Titanic circles to write to a survivor, I can see how someone would want to. However, to post someones address over the internet is downright rude and an invasion of privacy.
"While it is frowned upon in Titanic circles to write to a survivor, I can see how someone would want to."
Miss Dean phones me, and asks why I haven't written for so long. I had no idea someone posted her address. As usual, on the WEB, nothing is sacred.
Friday 18th November 2005

Titanic Survivor Millvina Dean

Millvina phoned me this evening to ask a couple of questions - after answering them I gleaned the following from her.

Millvina is feeling pretty good and enjoying life once more and this week (its only Friday) she has been out for a ‘meal’ three times. She did not approve of one of the meals as it was covered in sauces and she likes to see what she is eating!

Her address book has still not turned up but she thinks she has traced most of the addresses that she wants.

She told me that she has signed quite a lot of stuff this week for ‘friends’ but has not taken on any large signings lately.

She really did sound cheerful and ‘with it’ - long may it last.

Best regards

Brian J. Ticehurst - Southampton
Hi Brian. Its good to read your report on Ms. Dean. I am so glad she is still enjoying life to the fullest. I think the love she shares for people just radiates from her. Her zest for life is such an inspiration. We can all learn something from Millvina.
>>She did not approve of one of the meals as it was covered in sauces and she likes to see what she is eating!<<

LOL!!!!! Can't say as I blame her...though sometimes when I see what somebody proposes to serve up, my inclination is to bury it befor it starts to come to life!