Miss Minahan vs Lowe

And if I may, Inger Sheil has had time-a- lenty to express her opinion & she has done so and done so and done so and done so. I don't think she's sharing so much info - she's just got her own twist to the story. I mean guys this is about differing views. She can quote all the sources she wants to and it doesn't matter: different people reading them will come up with their own take on it. So please let's just let it go!

Lolol! Don, you’re going to have to forgive me for getting a bit of a chuckle out of this one. You state that I haven’t ‘shared so much info’ in your opinion... and yet your sole contribution to this debate has been to attack me. I might not have ‘shared so much info’, but you’ve shared none at all!

Oh...and not all the sources I've shared have been in the public domain.

All the best,
Dear Inger,

Re: Lowe/Duff Gordon

Have you read my questions on the above?

I apologize for posting these publicly - especially in the midst of messages of such a different kind - but there was no e-mail address posted in your messages that I could find. You may certainly personally e-mail me your reply if you wish this to be private. I realize you've been busy answering the others.

Good luck in your work and if I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.


I don't have to share info, Inger. I'm not the one writing a "book." But I can read and share what I think and I'm satisfied that you just like to hear yourself blab. But that's ok; it's your right. Blab on baby!

PS)It's ok your getting a chuckle - I think your a riot too.
I don't have to share info, Inger. I'm not the one writing a "book." But I can read and share what I think and I'm satisfied that you just like to hear yourself blab. But that's ok; it's your right. Blab on baby!

:) Absolutely — everyone can read and share what they think, and they certainly don’t need to back up their opinions with material…of course, if they don’t do so, then they can’t really be taken too seriously. And, as you’ve offered nothing to support your vague opinions and generalities, you’ll have to fogive me for questioning just what insight you’ve brought into the discussion regarding Harold Lowe. As Cook pointed out above — sniping at people furthers nothing in this debate, and that’s all you’ve done.

PS)It's ok your getting a chuckle - I think your a riot too.

While I can’t say it matters too much to me whether you find it okay for me to have a chuckle at your expense, as I’ll have one regardless, I’m delighted that we’re affording one another mutual amusement ;-)

I am by no means any sort of expert on Titanic, but I read ET and this Message Board daily, and always manage to learn something new about the tragedy on each visit.

Until this thread commenced, I had given very little thought to the character of Lowe, or his actions before, during and after the sinking.

I feel very grateful to both Ms Sheil, Mr Shomi and Mr Behe for sharing their well-researched theories and information, (my opinion!), regarding the character of Lowe. Although each holds differing opinions regarding Lowe's character, all parties have expressed their arguments both logically, humerously and with clarity of style. Some others posting here have also done the same, and have contributed positively to the debate.

I have also learned a great deal from the others contributing to this thread who have resorted to personal invective, mainly against Ms Sheil. What I have learned from these people has little to do with Lowe's character, but has a great deal to do with their own.


Inger, you all just keep up the good work...and let me know when that book of yours comes out. I want it! ;-)

Re Lowe; my focus has been on technical details of the disaster and the ship itself so I haven't devoted as much attention to personalities as I need to. At the risk of being too general however, Lowe strikes me as being very much a man of his time, good points, bad ones and all. To judge him by our own standards seems a bit of a straw horse. As for his manners, anyone objecting to them has to remember that he had the trivial matter of a ship sinking beneath his feet and then keeping a lifeboat full of stunned and agitated(understandably) survivors to deal with after the fact. Being nice was not a luxury he could always afford. Having been in the Navy for twenty years, I've had to deal with crisis situations from time to time. A fire that gutted a machinary room on the USS Ranger back in 1983 for example. Beleive me, you do what you HAVE to do FIRST, and if a few feathers get ruffled, well that's just too bad. It beats being the main course for the John Jaws and Sam Salachii.

Michael H. Standart
Portrayal of Officer Lowe

Hi, I am no historian but I think Ioan Gruffudd did an amazing job portraying officer Lowe that it did seem realistic with his facial expressions if ever you saw the movie, in my opinion. I bet he was really sensitive seeing those bodies frozen in the water. Maybe he was angry because he was scared like everybody else that not everybody could be saved!? He is a human too.:)