Nomadic and Traffic

Does anyone one know the demensions of Nomadic and Traffic and the demensions for the tugboat Hercules???...I want to make a scaled down model of them with legos for my lego Titanic??

Thanks in advandce
I can't really help you Trent! but go to the introduce yourself section and post a message to George B. He might know.He is also best friends with Don Lynch.

Hope this helps!

Shane Kurup
For those who are wondering, Nomadic was 220.7' long and 37.1' in beam. She measured 1273 GRT.

Traffic was 175.7' long and 675 GRT.

Figures would be what is termed Length Between Perpendiculars, so the overall length would be a bit bigger.

Nomadic survives to this day. Traffic was sunk by the RN during WW II while under German command. In WW I she served against Germany. I wonder how many ships fought for Britain in one war and for Germany in another.