Nomadic in Danger


On the website, is the total pledge amount of £26,000 the most current figure? This seems to indicate that there has been little or no movement since the end of the first week of December. That would be disappointing, to say the least; if sufficient interest can't be raised from the general Titanic community, a group that one might safely assume cares about the survival of the Nomadic, then what hope is there of obtaining support from any of the disinterested government agencies of any nation?

Scott Andrews
Bonjour from Paris!

I am very happy to inform you that last week we received the british channel SKY NEWS in Le Havre docks. We got authorization to open NOMADIC and to film aboard her.

Best regards

Thierry Dufournaud
On the 26th of this month the Steam Ship Nomadic, the last surviving vessel of the White Star Line and only remaining major link to Titanic may be sold off for scrap. Built in 1911 By H&W 9 (who else?) as a tender to ferry 1st & 2nd class passengers to the RMS Titanic and her sister ships... she may soon be gone forever.

Please, support the Nomadic appeal to have her returned to her ancestral birth place and restored again in the very same dry dock, and by the same Belfast yard who built her almost 100 years ago.

Go to

or Nomadic link at bottom right.

If you want to support this worthwhile endeavour please make your pledge now and printout this banner to help reaise awareness of this appeal in your local area... PDF type file (A4) for printout.

Edited link to comply with width restrictions- JDT

Thanks and regards - M.Pritchard.

P.S. sorry for posting this message here but the "other ships" section appears to be down at the moment.

[Moderator's note: This post, which was in another topic outside of this one has been moved to here, which is discussing the same subject. JDT]
How much funds have been raised at the moment? There has been at least 30 names added onto the pledge roll since I pledged, but the funds are still at £27K. Is this in need of an update?

I went around some other forums on the internet I'm active on (dedicated to different things) and appealed for help. At least one person has pledged as a result. One grain of rice can tip the scale in this battle, so it was time well spent.

Here's a thought. Since Tony Robinson recently did a dive on the Titanic, perhaps he'd be interested in helping to perserve this link to her?
Dear all,

Our last pledges updage is £28,034. We can inform you that we had to manage with some 'false pledges' (not funny jokes !) for at least £15,000 !

We thank you very much for your help !

David and John will organize an International Press Conference tomorrow in Le Havre. We managed access to the ship for the BBC as we did it for Sky News.

Some other French & English TV Channels and Newspapers will attend the Conference. We will post comments and picture on our website

The Belfast Councillors will give their final decision this week. We will you keep informed hrough our website ...

All the Best and MANY thanks to all supporters !

The Nomadic Appeal Team
'Save Nomadic' key rings are available on our site !

John & David had an International Press Conference yesterday in Le Havre. The Development Committee of the Belfast City Council must take a decision TODAY about the purchase of the Nomadic.

All the Best,

Philippe Delaunoy