Nomadic Preservation Society : New Future Announced

Hi everyone,

I’d like to bring to your attention that the Nomadic Preservation Society is having a brand new website created and this will be launched around the same time that the ship is opened to the public. I.e., shortly!

As you know, the Nomadic is all that’s left of the White Star Line and over recent years became a source of much controversy. But exists, she still does and as the NPS remains committed to ensuring her survival, we feel the time is right to move forward with the times and adapt to her new future.

With the restoration almost complete by the Nomadic Charitable Trust in Belfast, the NPS in association with the Trust, will once again resume its role as the primary source of information and research into this precious jewel that time has kindly left for us. We have many exciting projects going on, such as the restoration of her only remaining lifeboat. The actual work has been completed and paid for by the Society, but donations to cover these costs are still sorely needed. We are also putting forward our tender to pay for the installation of the ship’s mast and other items. We would sincerely welcome all and any help in financing these and other marvellous projects. All donations can be made through our donations page by clicking here. Don’t forget, any donation above £50 gives you free NPS membership for the year too!

To have a look at her now, just click here and see the great job done by the Trust!

Our current website is still active whilst the new one is being built. So please feel free to visit us and especially our forum. Back in 2007/8, our forum was alive with interest but sadly traffic dwindled because of the difficult years. One of our aims is revitalise our forum and re-create the level of discussion about the ship that other Titanic based forums receive. Therefore, should you have any ideas, opinions or views about the ship, the Society and the future for either then please post on our forum. We would be so happy to hear from you.

To end, this ship deserves all our help and support no matter where in the world we are. So come on Titanic enthusiasts, help us to make her battle to survive worthwhile!
