The Future of Nomadic

Dear members,

I just wanted to let you know that the Nomadic Preservation Society (NPS) forum has been re-organised and is now open to all, whether you are an NPS member or not and is free to register with. Please visit for further details.

Now that the ship is in her new home, Hamilton Dry Dock in Belfast, she is back from the dead and once again in the public eye. However, the future of this ship is still very questionable indeed and as such, a global discussion about this by those in the know is very much invited.

Also, the Nomadic Charitable Trust (NCT) has finally published the Conservation Management Plan for the ship. This is a route map for the vessel's restoration and is a required report by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). It is an amazing piece of work, very in depth and is 340 pages long. This can be viewed on the NPS website homepage (or should I say a link to it!) and we would be very interested in hearing what you all think about it, so please do read it!

As you may or may not know, there is a 'secretive' approach to this project for reasons which no-one can understand - so the larger the voice discussing and promoting its future can only be a good thing.

Therefore we wish to invite you to register with our forum and once more join the debate of what could arguably be called the world's most important historic ship restoration project.

We look forward to welcoming you.

For and on behalf of the NPS.

[Moderator's Note: This message, originally a separate thread in "General Titanica," has been moved to this pre-existing thread concerning Nomadic. MAB]
Dear members,

As you all know, the SS Nomadic has been returned to Belfast for restoration. The next stage in this process has recently taken place with the ship moving into her new home, the Hamilton Dry Dock in Belfast - itself an engineering marvel and work of art. I have attached a few photos showing the ship in dry dock as she is now.

I am writing to inform you that the Nomadic Charitable Trust (NCT) has now released volume 1 of the all important Conservation Management Plan, which is essentially a route map to the vessel's restoration as required by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

To see/read/download a copy of this, please feel free to visit the homepage of the Nomadic Preservation Society ( We would certainly be interested in hearing your views either here, or on our forum which is now open to all.

All the best,





[Moderator's Note: This message, originally a separate thread in "General Titanica," has been moved to this pre-existing thread concerning Nomadic. MAB]
I though I would add a picture of Nomadic that I took,she one of Titanic tenders. She lay in paris for years as a restaurant and was going to be scrapped. and is presently in Belfast being restored. They have done a lot of incredible work on little money. The team working on her are incredible. I understand she is the last remaining White Star vessel still afloat. Correct me if I am wrong please.


[Moderator's Notes: 1. This message, originally a separate thread in the "White Star Line" subtopic, has been moved to this pre-existing thread concerning Nomadic's present and future. 2. A second paragraph, identical to what appears above, has been removed from the message as originally posted. MAB]


I sadly come back to ET Message Board with some news about our beloved Nomadic. For those who didn't follow the 'Nomadic in Danger' thread, Nomadic is the last surviving White Star Line ship in the world and the former Olympic class liners' service ship in Cherbourg.

She was purchased in January 2006 by the Department of Social Development of Northern Ireland (DSD) and brought back to Belfast.

At that time, all members from the 'SaveNomadic' campaign and later from the Nomadic Preservation Society, every Titanic enthusiast throughout the world thought it was a new start for the ship and that restoration works would give her a new life as a witness of the golden age of transatlantic liners.

Some months after her return to Belfast, DSD set-up the Nomadic Charitable Trust (NCT) and transfered the responsability of the restoration project to NCT.

The Nomadic Preservation Society was never invited to sit at the table and NCT was quickly run by only 3 or 4 members taking all decisions which we now think could lead to the loss of the ship.

Please read the message from Nomadic's former caretaker Rupert Keyzar :

Nomadic is now left without care and her structural condition is at risk. NCT didn't spent a penny to at least maintenance works sincer her return to Belfast in July 2006 !!!

The hull is deteriorating fast around the waterline, rainwater is devastating interiors, rivets are falling apart and NCT is only thinking about cleaning the hull (remove mussels) and removing non original items still on board.

At the time, hundreds of thousands pounds have been spent for useless reports, analysis, surveys. NCT still refuses to sign the Conservation Management Plan made by World leading experts from Frazer Nash because NCT don't want any historical society to be involved in the restoration project, causing Frazer Nash Project Manager to resign !!!

It is now clear to us, the real Nomadic PRESERVATION society that the project is NOT RUN adequately, professionnally and by people who really care for Nomadic. NCT simply doesn't want Nomadic to be restored as an historical ship !

If you, like us, refuse to admit the actual treatment imposed to Nomadic by NCT, please contact us, write your opinion on our Forum (read by NCT members), email NCT to express your concern BUT DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE !!!

Nomadic Preservation Society :
Nomadic Charitable Trust :

Philippe Delaunoy
Hi all,

As the stealwork is running on board Nomadic, NPS and NCT are preparing the next step : the fitting work.

All panels discovered in Paris in 2006 are being photographied, identified and registred.

The following picture is interesting as it shows the shape of the fountain in the 1st class area.

I recall some years ago in one of the 'Nomadic' theards someone posting a picture of one of those fountains on board Olympic but I can't find it now.

Could someone help please?


I thank you in advance.

I wonder if that funnel means that the precise shade of buff for White Star funnels has been somehow researched past reasonable doubt?

Whether it does or not, what a handsome restoration, and how wonderful it is to have one last present-day link to Titanic.
Nomadic's last remaining lifeboat, also supposed one of the last remaining Titanic era White Star Line lifeboats is now restored : Home

We took the decision to not repaint her in order to keep some kind of authenticity, but all bronze plates were re-manufactured and reinstalled.

Nomadic #2 lifeboat, owned by the Nomadic Preservation Society, will soon tour the world as a part of a major Titanic exhibition. So keep an eye on your local newspaper as she could come to you soon ;-)

Best regards,

Nomadic Preservation Society
Next steps for NPS :

Rebuild the mast
Rebuild the wheelhouse

Stay tuned for exciting news about SS Nomadic, the last remaining White Star Line ship in the World !!!