Observations from the wrecksite

I for one, IF Parks did indeed find the remains of the crow's nest, wouldn't mind seeing that brought up as well. Especially if it's just lying across the deck like that. Sounds pretty accessable. As long as no damage is done to the structure, not just for the whole "shrine" thing, but first and foremost for the safety of the recovery crew. It would be very neat to have the marconi equipment and crows nest (IF possible), find their way into a good exhibition's care. Just think, the bell and crows nest reunited.
I'd be there!

Personaly I think that artifacts should be raised up. Titanic will not be with us for long and we need to preserve every living lasting thing that we can. I think that it whould be awesome to bring up the macroni equipment and bringing up any other thing for that matter. A quick question is there any reason why they only do expeditions one time a year ? I whould think they can go out year round and search the wreck. I think that whould be the wise thing to do before we lose her forever.
>>A quick question is there any reason why they only do expeditions one time a year ?<<

Two reasons actually. One being money. Diving operations of any kind are very expensive so there aren't a lot of people or organizations who have the finances needed to underwrite the sort of expenses that come with these operations. (Dives to the wreck average out at between $25,000 to $30,000 each.)

The second also has everything to do with the location itself. There's only a very small window of opportunity, about two to three months, during which the ocean is calm enough that operations are possible there. This stretch of ocean has few equals for sheer nastiness where the weather is concerned. Anything rough enough to wreck even the largest of ships is also rough enough to make safe launch and recovery of minisubs impossible.
Thank you very much for that information. I am enjoying my time on these boards seeing as I stayed up all night browsing and reading the interesting facts that have been posted.
Good post Parks...The last expedition fulfilled alot of the expectations on what i was hoping to see on Titanic.
As for raising the marconi apparatus among other things, i think it's a great idea.
Yes, alot of people died on Titanic, but thier suffering ended on a long ago night in 1912, and what remains are just the mortal shells of what once was.
I'm not saying go hog wild and loot the wreck of everything but only just the items that could be of extreme historical interest or are one of a kind items that are in danger of being lost or destroyed forever if left in place.
If this wish to raise the historical items is to have any chance of succeeding beyond just talking or dreaming then i think this community (and others) should try to make it happen.
My wish would be for the marconi room (items/parts)to be raised and restored and set in the smithsonian in a recreation of the room as it was on Titanic. It would have the draw of being the only 5kw transmitter (from 1912) left today plus it would be the same apparatus that sent out the call that brought help to Titanic.
I think it is possible to make this a reality if people are serious enough to want to do this. If James Cameron could be enlisted to help (Doubtful?), not to mention the marconi company itself, (think it's still around but correct me if wrong please)Plus this site and others, then there is a small chance of it happening imho.
I for one would think that if a petition was formed and had enough backers/signatures, (few million maybe.....?) then i think it is entirely possible to get this beyond the dreaming/talking stage.It all would depend on us tho to make it happen...
Just my thoughts, and sorry to be so long winded.
Hi all.

If the recovery of artifacts was treated as a legitimate archeological excavation in the same way that the salvage of the wreck of King Henry VIII's warship Mary Rose was, I wouldn't have any problem with such an expedition. But as no archeological findings have ever been released despite years of salvage from the wreck, who would be the best, most qualified organisation to do the job?

Love Rich x