Phil H Nomadic Suggestion


I've been asked whether or not I could highlight Nomadic's plight, and the efforts of BIH to save her, on the main page of my website, which I've done on all pages.

I was wondering whether or not you might consider doing the same 'SOS Nomadic'- type thing on ET's homepage to get people who might not visit the board to see instantly the plight she's in.

I know BIH's website is a little poor, and there's no direct way to make an instant payment, but I feel we owe the little ship a favour!

Just a thought...
I would like to respond to comments relating to Belfast Industrial Heritage's (BIH) campaign to bring Nomadic home to Belfast.

Once BIH knew of Nomadic's plight, it first approached the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) to see if they would grant-aid the money to acquire her. Having been advised that the NLHF can only fund a vessel if it is on the Historic Ships Register, approaches were made to the Historic Ships Commission (HSC) only to be told that HSC can only put a vessel on the Register if it is in a British port (Catch 22). BIH had already ascertained that Harland & Wolff could, and would restore her once acquired as well as checking with Belfast Harbour Commissioners to ensure that a berth would be made available for her on the Lagan River.

Thus BIH lobbied hard the Department of Culture, Arts & Leisure (DCAL), Northern Ireland, and Belfast City Council (BCC). Due to budgetary factors neither was willing to fund the acquisition of the ship. BIH, however, did not accept that and continued to lobby and this resulted in BCC grant-aiding £5,000 to send a team from H&W to La Havre to undertake a Survey and Technical Appraisal of the Nomadic. This survey was favourable and the Nomadic was again discussed in Council — BCC ‘ring-fenced’ £166,000.00 towards the acquisition PROVIDED PARTNERSHIP FUNDING IS PUT IN PLACE; they will not be the sole funder.

A motion to purchase Nomadic outright was debated and, unfortunately, was narrowly defeated. However, it was the MOTION and not the 'PROJECT' that was defeated; the support was so strong that a cross-party delegation was nominated to meet with Mrs. Angela Smith, Minister. At that meeting, I am advised, Mrs. Smith offered BCC a 30 year loan at 0% interest to acquire Nomadic and bring her home - unfortunately, that loan package is only available to public sector bodies and not to the private sector.

BIH sent a petition signed by over 1,000 people to BCC, DCAL, Mr. Tony Blair and Mr. Bertie Ahern (Prime Ministers of Great Britain and the Irish Republic) asking them to use their influence to ensure Nomadic comes home to Belfast. I, Kathleen Neill, also spoke personally about Nomadic to Mrs. Angela Smith (Minister for DCAL and to Mr. Ian Pearson, NI Department of Finance & Personnel. Mrs. Smith ensured me that she was fully supportive of Nomadic coming back to Belfast and would be pleased to help in any way she could - apart from giving money, which (she stated) her department did not have.

Once BIH recognized that government departments were not going to fund the acquisition of Nomadic, it raised public awareness by getting media coverage in NI and in the UK. A member of BIH, Mrs. Wendy Hood of the Northern Ireland Tour Guides Association, sent out an e-mail appeal and Mrs. Maja Ferguson of Smyth’s Irish Linen, Royal Avenue, Belfast, took a collection as did the Bangor Old Gaffers Association & Bangor Berth Holders Association. Mr. Rupert Keysar, Southampton, another member of BIH, created a document which, with a covering letter was sent to various large companies and wealthy people in the UK. As a result, ca. £1,500 has been raised for the fighting fund. Moreover, £10,000.00 has been promised by Mr. Ian McCabrey, MIVAN, immediately he hears Nomadic is on its way back to Belfast. Other large NI companies are presently considering requests for donations (as BIH is a UK Registered Charity, corporate donations can be off-set against taxes here).

Also, through our efforts, the Historic Ships Commission debated Nomadic at a recent meeting and agreed that she would be put on the Historic Ships Register, as part of their core collection, immediately she comes back to Belfast. This is the key that will open the door to NLHF funding for her restoration.

We are also receiving confirmation, from Harland & Wolff Welders Club through MARA, that ex-shipyard workers are volunteering to give of their time and skills to help restore Nomadic.

During this period, BIH had to move office because the building we were in (beside No. 2 Slip) is being demolished as part of the site preparation for the Titanic Quarter redevelopment. We moved into Mersey Street Area Residents Association (MARA)’s community house at the end of 2004. This building, too, will shortly be demolished as part of the major redevelopment of this area. The plan is that BIH will move, with MARA, into the Ballymacarret Leisure Centre in May or June; when we move back into Titanic Quarter as part of the ‘big picture’, we will leave a Community Outreach Centre in Ballymacarret.

Since moving into MARA, however, we have experienced serious problems with e-mail and internet access and it is not worth updating their systems. I am, therefore, doing much work from home — my e-mail address is [email protected].

During all this, Philippe Delaunoy has been a tower of strength. He has acted as our interpreter and liaison with Paris. He has also visited us here in Northern Ireland (at his own expense), auctioned Nomadic postcards he has acquired at Titanic exhibitions etc., and personally donated money to our campaign. He has also, at my request, kept various people up to date with what has been happening to us and we thank him for his generous assistance.

In Conclusion:
BIH is still receiving donations for the Nomadic project. However, these are small and we are still fundraising. If you want to donate, you can do so by sending a cheque to Belfast Industrial Heritage, c/o MARA, 38 Banbury Street, Belfast BT4 1FG (Tel. +44 02890458845 or ()mobile) 07851018376. Or, you can donate on line via PayPal by quoting this e-mail address.
Thank you