Samuel Halpern
I agree with you about the fabrication of the delayed turn to fit Boxhall's erroneous CQD.
I'm in shock! We agree on something.
I agree with you about the fabrication of the delayed turn to fit Boxhall's erroneous CQD.
If the QMs had a clock set back Rowe&Hichens would have relieved at 12 o'clock. Rowe claimed he was relieved late but Hichens did not said so. The collision most likely get the crew confused if there was a clock set back or not. All show's there was none.
There is also a letter of a fireman Harry Giles to Walter Lord claiming he was making ready for the 12 to 4 watch. He was an imposter.
The real fireman from the 12 to 4 watch were clear in their 1912 reports that there was no clock set back and so no call to go on watch. After the collision several went back to bed and only roused again to leave the room as water was rising the deck below. Later they were called for their watch (as firemen Harry Oliver stated) and when starting to dress they were called to go on deck and help with the boats. (The black gang of the 8 to 12 watch is the one with the lowest surviving rate.)
I know some like to put also the stewards into that discussion, but stewards did not share the same watch and the night watch start their duty despite the clock set back.
I am not trying to challenge you, but am only curious. Is there proof that this man was was not what he said he was?
I think most researchers would agree that there was some whitewashing on the part of the officers. This very well could have extended to the other crew, all of whom relied on White Star for their livelihood. The extent to that white washing is what we should be talking about; is there significant dishonesty, or only small alterations to help mitigate White Star's (and their) liability?
Name and address did not match, his story also changed badly from the 1912 newspaper account.
No, most crew members hired for one voyage. They could have go over easily to another line. Many crew members also gave newspaper accounts.
1. It wouldn't be surprising that a story changed over 40 years. That's how memory typically works, but its fair to point out that it usually means your "memory" is even more fanciful than your first recollections were (and even these can be fanciful).
2. Here is what I mean about White Star. It isn't that crew would lie because they felt they owed something to White Star. They would lie because if they were the ones who spoke out against White Star, their careers would effectively be over. Even without any intervention on the part of White Star, nobody is likely to hire the stoker who threw his former employer under the bus. Plus, White Star did make them promises about getting them back to the United Kingdom and replacing their seaman books, which would have been very costly for the crew to replace.
So then why using a story told over 40years later as a proof?
Some crew members use alias names or those of friends or brothers. Who would control what which person said? Also several crew members criticize the white star line in newspapers. If you have some information that these people did not find any job you might want to share it with us.
Heya! Just an fyi there were no coal fireplaces on the Titanic. All the fireplaces in the 1st class rooms were facades and fake. They had an electric heater in the hearth. The only functioning fireplace was in the Smoking Room.Curious to know if changing the stateroom clocks was part of the crews duties e.g. changing the sheets, heating the beds with a bed pan and bringing a bucket of coal to each cabin and lighting the fire each night. It was a very cold night. Would they be up an down the corridors attending to the service bells for more coal and people asking for the correct time?
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